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Deputy charged with murdering Black woman allegedly told partner not to give aid

Prosecutors alleged that when Grayson and his partner responded to Massey’s home, Grayson allowed her to move a pot of water heating on the stove, but as she set it on a counter, Grayson then “aggressively yelled” at Massey over the pot and pulled his 9mm pistol.

Massey then asked what the deputies were doing, to which Grayson responded, “Getting away from your hot, steaming water.”

“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus,” Massey said twice, according to the documents reviewed by NBC News.

Grayson responded, “I swear to God. I will shoot you right in your f------ face.”

When Grayson drew his service weapon and ordered her to drop the pot, she let go, then crouched below a line of cabinets, and declared “I’m sorry” before being shot in the face, prosecutors said.

Grayson did not render aid to Massey and discouraged his partner from getting his medical kit because he thought her injury was too severe, according to the court document filed in support of keeping Grayson in custody without bond.

  • Grayson had been with the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Department about 18 months after serving as an officer with several other police agencies in central Illinois for about seven years before that.

    Im going to go out on a limb and say that maybe he had a pattern of behavior that caused him to precinct hop that instead should have led to his being banned from being a cop in the first place. So if I were the lawyers for the family, I’d be looking there and adding other policies agencies to the list being sued.