What's Changed
Fix initial page_cursor by @MV-GH in #1553
Removing renovate schedule. by @dessalines in #1555
Update plugin com.android.test to v8.5.0 by @renovate in #1561
Update plugin com.andro...
Not going back to Jerboa unless the basic feature of searching contents other than just communities is implemented. I find this fundamental feature sorely lacking in Jerboa while every other app around there have this.
Kind of surprising, because this is pretty basic feature, and has been open for over two years.
Getting "Posts failed loading, retry" button after scrolling to the end of Subscribed feed (does not matter if Scaled, New).
Verified across multiple instances.
E: And the button does nothing, specifically, after clicking it it vanishes and comes back (the loading bar does not appear). No problem in All.
Is there a way to revert to an old version of the app? This issue is annoying enough for me that I'm now temporarily on Voyager. I don't hate it, but I'd rather be on Jerboa.
I'm worried about that one specifically. Dependencies in general can be suspicious if they come from untrusted sources but in that case it's suspicious by being related to testing (like the xz thing was) that shouldn't even be in a released app anyways.