Instant Fear
Instant Fear
Instant Fear
The wall thing wouldn't work because once a mime talk, all the elements created by the mime dissappear. It should have gesture the rouge to come in to work.
That would actually make an interesting combat mechanic. You have to maintain concentration on not making any sound. The bigger the mime'd object or the higher complexity the more concentration is required.
It can also work in a meta level, we're tou can't talk to anyone on the table an need to communicate by mimething.
Bard defeated by tickling.
The mime only talked before miming the wall ;)
Mr. Mime playing DnD
Fun fact: a level 14 Creation Bard can create a loaded antimatter rifle. Arguably, they could do it at level 3. Since it doesn't have a value, it certainly doesn't have a value of more than 20 times the bard level in gp. The problem is that it's not clear if you can count that as one object.
Also, Creative Crescendo mentions channeling power from the Song of Creation, but nothing about actually singing it. And it's not a spell with a verbal component. I see no RAW reason you wouldn't be able to use it by miming.
Here's a technical question. Is the antimatter fired in a stream, as a projectile, or contained within a projectile? Because I would think that if it's not held in an EM field after it leaves the barrel, it would just interact with the air it's passing through and detonate. Or is it just hand waved with the usual magic and bullshit explanation?
Because while I can understand the use of antimatter weapons in the (mostly enough) vacuum of space, the idea of firing it in an environment filled with ordinary matter strikes me as unwise. What does the antimatter only annihilate on contact with normal matter of the same element? That is to say, for example, does carbon only annihilate with anticarbon and no other substance, or will any ordinary matter react explosively with any antimatter?
I have no idea what book y'all are talking about, but does it specify that the rifle projects antimatter in any way? Maybe it uses antimatter in place of chemical propellant to fire a slug really fast? (and some handwavey technomaterial to contain the pressure)
Fortunately there's an invisible wall between the rogue and the bard.
The rogue must have perfect hearing if he could make out the sound of a gun being loaded through a wall.
Or for hearing a silent art form.
But below-average eyesight should work.
I've seen a homebrewed college of mimes before with this ability (effectively wall of force) and some other cool things. It has been years though, so I doubt I could find it again.
Something like this?
Kinda like a silent green lantern
I'm playing a campaign where all of the PCs are multiclass bards and this exact concept exists as a homebrewed magic system called "fantasia-kinematics". The most powerful magic users in the setting are practitioners of it.
I was like 90% sure our GM came up with it himself. Great minds think alike I suppose.
Cringe is real