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Haidra Canvas 2024 entry!

Go to this URL and help us make a presence for Haidra and by extension /0 as well!

If you're wondering what canvas 2024 is, check here.

If you're wondering how this fits the instance theme, I invite you to check out this critical reading, which is what inspired the name

The template position is on the bottom right

You will need to login. Once you do, lower the opacity of the template, and place some pixels where there's none

EDIT: Changed position to bottom right as it feels more natural to grow from the bottom up. I also increased its size/fidelity a bit since we had a bit more space there

  • Suggestion: Don't overwrite the trees there, just set the haidra colors as a background:

  • If we get enough participants for this logo to complete it, we could start extending it, but extending its tendrils, perhaps to wraps and protect other creations

  • Attention: Changed position to bottom right as it feels more natural to grow from the bottom up. I also increased its size/fidelity a bit since we had a bit more space there

  • If anyone wants to improve the look of the logo to be a bit more "pixel perfect" or to add any other enhancements, please go ahead! Just do what improvements you think will be good, then post a new template link so that we can review and if we like it we'll make it official.