Ergonomics, schmergonomics
Ergonomics, schmergonomics
Ergonomics, schmergonomics
Awfully big screen he has there. Probably wastes a lot of energy just so that he can stand and look at trees.
Why are the trees melting
You been outside lately?
Just climate crisis things.
You don't ask why. You just let go and ride the wave. Only about 2 hours to go then we'll come down with a nice coldbeer
Western Red Cedar looks like that.
This may be controversial, but I LIKE not being eaten alive by bugs.
Corporate America has already sucked my soul dry, might as well let the mosquitos finish the job.
I go walking when it's windy or cold. So long as it's dry. Get fucked, insect casuals, come back when you've developed winter coats
Bug spray and a bug net, they're worth every penny
You'll be able to see some great things with just those 2
Link to one of my favorite shots I got out in the wilderness.
You need to do the "NO" thing on the top to afford to do the "YES" thing on the bottom.
Yeah. Last time I checked I couldn't get paid much to go hiking in the woods.
Maaaaybe if I wanted to be a park ranger or firewatcher (is that real?) but from my knowledge those pay dick.
One's level of freedom is determined by the number of Freedom Units in their bank account.
Isn't the monitor WAY too low in the "ergonomic" picture? Like yea, your view should be comfortably a bit below your eye level, but that's notebook level low. That's some hunched back action right there.
Edit: Maybe it's fine because it's far away? No clue, just looks hella uncomfortable.
This was my first thought. It can't be comfortable.
All the advice I read suggested that if you hold your arm out in front of you while seated in your usual desk position, your fingertips should touch the centre of the monitor.
Touching grass isn't enough, touching trees it is
Hug them, even.
Smoking trees is the best.
Yes be born again as a rich person
The bottom image is missing the pests specific to your region, hovering over the person's head, driving it mad. Here in southern Quebec it's deer flies. Apparently in Scotland it's midges.
I love to go camping on my bike or go kayaking as much as I can. But this year so far has been horrible for me. I have never had so many deer flies chasing me and biting my shoulders while cycling through wooded areas. I have to hurry to pitch my tent and then hide in it for much of the trip, then hurry to take it down while being attacked by a horde or mosquitoes and deer flies.
If you ever head south to the Pine Barrens, make sure to say hello to the greenheads while you're there. They are very curious and friendly.
Speaking of missing images, I realized after posting that I neglected to include a "ME" panel to follow the original more closely.
My extreme allergic reaction to almost everything outside disagrees.
Zyrtec and Flonase and the only safe place is inside with all the filtered air.
My outside and inside allergies are about even, so it's a matter of picking my (immune system's incorrect interpretation of) poison.
I think I've made some improvements.
NO ✅
This is the answer.