We'll be okay fam
We'll be okay fam
We'll be okay fam
A lot of people don't understand that you can be critical of a political candidate while still supporting them.
Sir. This is the internet. Please keep your rational ideas to yourself.
I think that “rational” is the key word. People online can’t seem to have rational discussions.
Criticism of Biden quickly turns into a toxic hate fest, with rabid disagreements. How the heck are we supposed to see this as “ critical of a political candidate while still supporting them.”?
Meanwhile I try to say I like a lot of what he’s done, except for x, y, z, and get mobbed by a bunch of thugs with pipes and broken bottles. How can I take this as we’re saying the same thing?
in this case not of a specific candidate, but of the system itself that always fails to prevent fascists from gaining ground and always fails to present options that anyone but fascists like.
"We're all going to come back together to beat Donald Trump"
I hope that's true.
Same here, and the trouble is that even if we do, we have to keep a Republican out of the White House for the foreseeable future or democracy is done.
Don't care, still voting Biden, or whoever is the candidate
yeah that was the message
A dead president, or an absent office is better than allowing Republicans to overthrow the country.
Complacency is how we got Trump the first time. Don't just assume it will be fine - talk to your friends,talk to your family. Show them Project 2025.
It's not fine. What's happening is ruinous to the state and the legitimacy of the office. It only further highlights the terrible flaws in the system and reinforces the knowledge that those in power want it this way for disgusting selfish reasons.
Still vote for Biden because this election is foregone. But this is not fine and it should motivate people to work in local politics to create a true grassroots movement that will shut these systems down.
The problem is these aren't "flaws", these are features of a system, and until people realise that, and stop playing within the rules set out for us by those in power to ensure they maintain it, we will never be free of them and their very deliberately oppressive systems.
We will beat Trump except that time in 2016 when we didn't and the stacked courts have made things worse since them.
Optimism is great and all, and we can still delay the country turning into a dictatorship for a little while longer, but let's not pretend this is fine.
(X) Doubt
If you need to hold your nose for it just replace the mental image of Biden with a generic suit around a mannequin wearing a "I'm not Donald Trump" hat.
All other goals for results aside, what we need most to rally behind is to protect this country from a second Trump Presidency.
Biden could drop dead day after the election and as long as that fresh corpse still won the EC I'll be just as relieved.
Oh you poor optimistic idiot. Do yourself a favor and go back in the burning house. It'll be a quicker, less painful death than the downfall of America.