After 41 years Microsoft quietly adds spellchecking and autocorrect to Windows Notepad
After 41 years Microsoft quietly adds spellchecking and autocorrect to Windows Notepad

Feature rolled out to insiders back in March, now available to the masses.

After 41 years Microsoft quietly adds spellchecking and autocorrect to Windows Notepad
Feature rolled out to insiders back in March, now available to the masses.
That's nice of them. Does it have ads yet?
i use notepad to save shitty ascii art in .txt format. if i wanted autocorrect and spellchecking i have like 500 apps i can use.
Boo, keep is simple and basic.
Ugh... Way to ruin the best IDE on Windows.
Maybe it’s just me, but I have no desire for autocorrect on the computer. I want the letters I type to be exactly the letters that are entered, and I’m perfectly capable of typing words on a full sized keyboard. It makes sense for a phone where the keyboard is small and you can’t feel the keys.
Man, I'm dyslexic and a writer, so I thought that autocorrect would be really useful.
So, there's an autocorrect available on Linux, and it does work.
But it is way more of a pain in the ass than a help. With an on screen keyboard, doing swipe typing, I don't need autocorrect because I have the qwerty layout memorized, and can just make the patterns that make the words, and screwups are rare enough I don't care. So I keep it off.
But dealing with it on pc? I really thought it would help, but it's in the way. It made things harder to process. I make less mistakes that need correcting just typing in my semi-huntnpeck way via keyboard than having the program interfering.
Like, I'm the perfect use case for autocorrect, and it isn't worth a damn.
You are correct. No-one makes mistakes on full size keyboards.
It's an optional feature, so no harm having it.
This is outrageous, I'm switching to Linux. Arch, in case you were wondering.
“It looks like youʼre copying text from a copyrighted source. Would you like me to get a quote from the Microsoft Store for a license?”
Have they added syntax highlighting yet? Every time I use it I'm amazed that it's like the only text editor without syntax highlighting I know about
Apple's built-in TextEdit is more fully-featured than Notepad but doesn't have syntax highlighting.
Still amazed that Microsoft Word can't handle blocks of source code - that's supposed to be the full-featured one...
Luckily I run an old version of notepad under wine
It’s not just system wide yet? What?
Better late than never, I guess.
I thought they were retiring Wordpad?
Does it even have IA?
no, iowa is not included in notepad.