Oh so this is cause of concern outside of Australia? Wait until you hear about budgie smugglers mate
Even with Australia's strict biosecurity enforcement we are powerless to stop the budgie smugglers.
I don't understand. What's so offensive about showing a little sock?
I always forget the rest of the world doesn't seem to know about the insane number of parrots we have. Then a tourist sees a cocky or a flock of rosellas and loses their shit.
tbh i would also lose my mind if a local told me to "look out for a cock-or-two"
be aware that in certain suburbs they are most definitely not talking about birds
Hell yeah, I get swarms of king parrots turn up and they're majestic.
Should look up the Australian Budgie Smuggler species.
Real terrifying one, that. Anything and everything flies in Australia.
It's cocks, isn't it?
No. It's Speedos.
In the analogy, budgies are cocks.
How are they even still alive? Australia seems like such a dangerous place, I wouldn’t expect something like parakeets to survive long. Do they just breed like rabbits and survive through quantity?
They're also great at communicating info about predators across a large group and distracting said predators to get as many budgies away as possible. And they're very good at maneuvering in the air, a lot of birds of prey that rely on speed over agility can't turn as quickly
You would be surprised at the amount of attitude birds have here. Usually magpies get a gangsta reputation but do you know who nobody messes up with? Lorikeets.
Except noisy miners and indian Mynas. Cunts of birds.
Turns out being small, and able to fly, is pretty cool
Yeah, pretty much. They are considered pests down there. Imagine a swarm of locusts descending on your farm, except the locusts are each the size of your hand and are intelligent enough to work together when committing crimes. That's how Australian farmers see budgies.
They certainly have an appropriate colour scheme for it, too
I feel like Australia isn't as dangerous as you think it is
What else have people learned through Bluey?
You don't have parakeets in euromerica?
There's a population of parakeets living in the wild in Bridgeport, Connecticut that escaped from a pet shop delivery truck
English cities are surprisingly full of parakeets recently.
Cockatiels, too. They flock! Imagine the sound.
TIL that a budgie is just a small parrot.