Shit libertarians say.
Shit libertarians say.
Shit libertarians say.
Original post is def spot on though.
The modern homeschool movement is born out of an attempt to stop the kids from realizing being traded as brood stock like their parents' property to make business with their friends over is bullshit.
As someone who was home-schooled, I absolutely agree with Cosmonaut Star. I dodged the alt-right insanity of modern homeschooling, but I got the "okay sit here and do learning unsupervised for a while" treatment after I turned 11 or 12. Prior to then I feel like my parents did an okay job at making sure I was keeping up with normal kids and taking me to social gatherings and stuff, but that just gradually slipped away the older I got. I feel like I'm still unpacking mental baggage from basically not having a life in my teens.
Thank fuck I got into self-hosting, networking, and Linux/BSD stuff in general as a hobby otherwise I would have zero marketable skills for a job.
My mom wasn't a alt-right wingnut, thankfully. But she kept me homeschooled despite me asking for regular schooling because she wanted the enabling of abuse. A child who could tell a teacher what she was saying to me was a threat to her. I didn't go to any schooling beyond some 1st grade, and then she forced me into college when she grew tired of abusing me, until I ran out of support venues and she dragged me back to home.
One homework thing my thought was to just read comic panels from Sunday newspapers archived online. That's it. I was given old "general knowledge" books but never anything in depth of any study. I had to learn fields from parsing google and Wikipedia, even if she allowed the use of a computer.
I'm sure there's some legitimate use cases for homeschooling, especially for children who are immune compromised. But I've never heard of a happy story of homeschooling, lord knows I'm not one of them. I was held back socially and education wise from my peers, even with my skills.
At the very very least, there should be a way for the state to enforce regular homeschooling standards. Track what grade the kids should be on, how they are doing, and then also economic aid for those who do.
But my personal experience with homeschooling is that it's never for the betterment of the child, it's always to enable abuse and submission of the child to the parent. Because new ideas are scary to the parent, and new ideas allow new ways of thinking that the parent didn't want the child to do.
I'm biased as hell, but when you're trapped with someone who beats you for a learning disability that would have been accommodated for in a public school that you as a 14 year old asked for, it leaves an impression on you.
Maybe not outright illegal, but I think it should be heavily regulated. I've heard way too many stories of kids being raised in isolation and barely being taught even basic math under the guise of homeschooling.
Homeschooling is allowed in my country, but they have to take exams in front of a jury to prove they have been properly schooled.
I think you mean invidulator, everyone knows what you mean just trying to be helpful. That's an officially appointed watcher at exams, a jury is a team of people who give a verdict in a legal case.
And yeah that's the best way for sure, some places have mandatory participation in community events too which i think is good
barely being taught even basic math under the guise of homeschooling.
yah that was me.
There was no actual "schooling" it was just a cover-story so people didn't pry and learn that my parents were too crazy/drunk/high/delusional to properly raise children. The first couple decades of my life I basically just wandered in the desert alone around my parent's "religious compound" a couple hours from the nearest town and tried to get my hands on any actual scientific or rational reading material that extended family members managed to smuggle in.
It had disastrous impact on my adult life. I did go to school later and excelled and soared through AP college classes... but with my life so handicapped from the start, I was unable to continue higher education due to poverty, unable to land a stable career, and worst of all, severe depression and anxiety from the CPTSD of basically spending 20 years of my most important developmental years isolated with two toxic, hateful, abusive parents and literally NOBODY else. I became non-verbal for years, people thought I was autistic. I have been in and out of therapy, on and off meds, and have had long, extended struggles with substance abuse, depression so bad I can't move some days, and thoughts of self-harm.
My parents were absolutely convinced that biblical prophecy was real and was about to be fulfilled, they saw themselves as actual prophets or chosen ones that would play a part in the coming apocalypse, and for years of my life I was also convinced that I was part of some greater destiny.
Fast forward through my adult life, and I'm clearing out my parent's belongings after they drank themselves to death, wondering what the fuck happened and what my real future is going to look like. Do you think AI is going to replace grocery baggers? Because I fully see myself at 80 bagging groceries.
My brother and sisiter-in-law briefly did "homeschooling" with their kids. I put the word in scare quotes because it wasn't what people normally think of when they consider homeschooling. It was actually a private school which the kids went to four days a week and then one day a week the parents guided the kids at home through a lesson plan prepared by the school. The only point of this was that it allowed the school to hire non-accredited and non-union teachers since it was ostensibly homeschooling and not a normal school.
At least it saved the parents money, right? Ha ha nope! Still expensive as shit - like $30K per year per kid.
Homeschooling can be great if you have the time/ability but the parents do need to take it seriously and hire tutors in areas they're less familiar with. There definitely needs to be proctored testing to make sure kids aren't just being taught weird religious doctrine and nothing else.
Facebook groups for homschooling moms are fucking wild. To be fair you never know who's trolling there, because if you want to fool someone, you fool someone that is very easy to fool.
And honestly, that’s the most important reason for public school: it makes kids less naive
There's a family I saw on Facebook who had their ten kids apprehended and adopted out for beating them with a switch and not actually educating them in home school. Thankfully the kids are doing well.
It should be child abuse to home school autistic kids. I've seen what it does to them.
Instead of public schools, we should have school choice.
I think this model of education is damaging to kids and the government should do something about it
I'm going to train my kids to fucking kill you
Most normal libertarian response
Very sad when libertarians (i.e. republicans that are too cowardly to publicly own that they are republicans) get burned so bad and don't have a collectively funded community Fire Department or public roads where anyone could travel to put out the fire.
A true libertarian community would have a collectively funded Fire Department and publicly funded roads.
Libertarians do not want to pay "taxes". Taxes are a portion of your money the government forcefully takes and does whatever they want with.
Public services that a libertarian uses, they would feel like they would have to pay for.
Joe drives to work. He takes a toll road (not saying toll roads are a good solution). He pays for the road that he is using.
Steve rides the bus to work. His bus ticket will have the cost of the roads fixed in.
Joe doesn't want to lose everything in a fire. He gets insurance. Insurance company doesn't want to lose the whole house. They get a fire department.
Right now we pay 100% of the fire department in taxes. While paying full price for insurance. Insurance companies get to use the fire department for free.
The idea that giving up ~40% of your work in hopes that the government takes care of you is ridiculous (Social Security is a government ran ponzi scheme). The idea that giving up ~40% of your work in hopes that the government takes care of someone else is also ridiculous.
The government used every penny of taxes you have paid or ever will pay to not even make a dent in the bail out of privately owned banks. Hell, they probably handed Tom Brady more than that in just the PPP loans he received and never had to pay back.
But life can't function without government taxes /s
No taxation without representation. Do you feel represented?
The only thing I have to say is:
We had public water in our town.
A few years ago, a private company was created to take care of the water system and the distribution in our town and some towns around here.
Our bill has never been higher... Houses that were vacant (second homes, people that were in another country etc) received bills...not like a few euros...hundreds...
Private companies have to make more money...year after year...the line always goes up. And although it is a private company and they take every penny they can, they also receive state money and European funds...
We, like other people, are in debt to them now. Because they send us bills like we run a public pool.
"Because on top of your bill, you have to pay for leaks."
"But people from your company already came to see if there was any...and there isn't..."
"It doesn't matter, your are paying for us to fix the system"
But they already went up in the price per L....Aaaaaand received municipal, state and European funds....
Capitalism will kill us. Their greed and the blindness/complacency of people like you.
This is an actual example of what a libertarian town looks like.
Or in other words...
I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief. “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.” “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?” “Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.” The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?” “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” “Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.” I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside. “Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t. “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up. “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?” It didn’t seem like they did. “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.” Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing. I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it. “Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled. Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him. “Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen. I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!” He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose. “All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.” “Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy. “Because I was afraid.” “Afraid?” “Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.” I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head. “Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.” He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.
Not saying the current system is good, but replacing it with a "libertarian utopia" will be even worse. At least the system does the bare minimum work, we do have roads, we do have medical care, we do have trash pickup. It's not much but it's enough for most people so you would have to do a lot better to convince people why they should topple their comfort and pleasures.
It all sounds like it makes sense but it's not realistic. Rapidly we will end up in a situation where you have pass through 200 different forms of toll/fee collection to get to work, because without strict regulation of all companies, both public and private, they are going to exploit your lack of options. I haven't had anyone explain to me why we should expect a society of hundreds of millions of people to all suddenly be able to say "That's enough, line doesn't need to go up anymore." It's not how humans function.
You would need a central authority that would audit and review all these "fees" that pay for our roads and medical care and fire departments, and make sure they are allocated where they're supposed to go. And if we're doing that, why not just send the money to this central authority to begin with so there's no hiding shit? And now guess what we have. We have the system we have because it's how things evolve.
Our argument isn't that we should do away with a central authority that distributes our work, it should be that we want that work to pay for things we actually want, not the things that a few defense contractors and banks want. I don't want to do away with government, I want one that makes less self-interested decisions with the money we lend them. And so far all the alternatives save one or two, they just make it easier for these people to make self-interested decisions.
The idea that giving up ~40% of your work in hopes that the government takes care of you is ridiculous (Social Security is a government ran ponzi scheme).
Works in Europe. If you get sick or disabled(permanently sick), goverment will pay you.
While paying full price for insurance. Insurance companies get to use the fire department for free.
Maybe get rid of insurance then?
Idealism? check
False dichotomy between said idealism and cherry picked reality? check
Mistakes avoided by anyone with a mental age over 16.
Boo fucking hoo a small portion of "your" money goes to keeping your neighbors' houses from burning down.
Also, you think most people are out there paying 40% in taxes? You either live in Scandinavia or you've never had a job before.
Lastly, "No taxation without representation?" Who says? A bunch of selfish, greedy, white, landowning, people-owning assholes hundreds of years ago? Fuck them. Taxes are a part of society.
Libertarians believe that they should have the benefits of society, without any of the responsibilities that come with it.
They're house cats.
That's more sovereign citizens.
Libertarians are just naive. They say they want to derestrict corporations and then complain when corporations start oppressing everyone.
"I don't want a way to abuse children."
Every time without issue, libertarians prove why everyone laughs at them and no one takes them seriously.
As libertarian is someone who knows the price of everything, the value of nothing, and the age of consent in every jurisdiction.
What a delight to find oneself among those who still quote scripture
Came to say this. 9 hours late I guess
I personally don't believe that home schooling should be illegal. It's not my jam, but don't want it to be illegal....but holy shit that response escalated quickly. Libertarians are triggered idiots.
The big issue with homeschooling, is it is largely used as a tool for brainwashing and creating extremists...
It's also just plain unworkable for single-parent households or families that rely on two incomes ... aka nearly fucking everybody.
It is illegal where I live and I do think it's a good idea for it to continue to be that way.
Aside from the obvious problem with actually learning children, one important part of school is for society to check if the children are well.
Free lunch for everyone is provided every school day, in fact it's illegal to not provide free lunch. So it's also a good way to make sure all children at least get a minimum amount of food each day even if they don't get any at home.
If the children can "learn" at home the rest of society would have no idea if they for example starve or are abused. It's much harder to hide abuse if the children are forced to go to school each day with teachers that are educated on how to spot signs of abuse. It's also great for children to make friends and not be insulated.
Yes, school isn't perfect due to stuff like bullying but that should be solved in other ways.
Home schooling being illegal doesn't mean you can't teach your kids
I wish twitter would hurry up and die.
I’ve always been serious.
Hanging, for an opinion? That seems pretty un-libertarian, doesn't it?
They're about as "libertarian" as the Nazis were "socialist."
Exactly about. There is no such thing as a socialist Nazi in exactly the same way there is no such thing as a libertarian capitalist.
Conservatives just make, and have made, a deliberate strategy of stealing terminology from the left to trick idiots, and the left lets them do it to not be associated with them.
Reminder that one of the biggest think pieces of libertarianism also created the infamous fourteen words chanted by white supremacists, one other just thought it was a neat idea to capture a term from the left.
No no, they just mean that people like that should have large penises. Extremely libertarian.
no he meant hung: swinging around a huge trouser hog
There's a pretty interesting book about New Hampshire libertarians called "A Libertarian Walks into a Bear". It's about a libertarian utopia that was overrun by bears.
There are some good articles about it too. It was part of their attempt to turn the state of New Hampshire into a "free state" run on libertarian principles.
Turns out libertarian principles included not picking up garbage in bear country.
Also, some of the geniuses were actively feeding the bears.
Maybe I'm just cynical but literally nothing surprised me in the book.
Nut jobs with guns? Check.
Nut jobs feeding bears? Check.
Nut jobs accused of sex crimes against children? Check.
Nut jobs infighting about muh freedoms? Check.
Nut jobs surprised when leopards bears eat their faces? Check.
"people like you deserve to be hung"
This is a mentally damaged individual. I'd like to see elaboration on what "people like you" entails. But I would guess it's anyone who makes them feel angry or stupid.
This is a mentally damaged individual.
Well yeah, they’re a libertarian.
They're wishing for them to have very large weiners. It's a compliment I think
I've often wondered what libertarian parents talk to their children about between the regular abuse and the sexual abuse
Probably that children are property and they are lucky to be working at home instead of sold on the free market.
I saw one on Facebook who had their ten kids removed by CPS for beating the shit out of them.
No no no, it's my rights stop at the end of my fist and the start of your face! (Unless they're my kids)
Wonder no more... They start early and often using any free moments to convince their children that ayn rand wasn't a hypocrite for living off social security when she died.
Often they don't, since save for a small number of moderates among them that are actually mostly decent on this topic or even have somewhat progressive views on the subject, they either believe children are property thus the parents can do anything they wish to their children, have all sorts of excuses and conspiracy theories about why people with common sense doesn't let them abuse their kids (won't go into it, I'm already mentally scarred by reading about it, curiosity killed the cat), or limit their interest for teens under the guise of all sorts of excuses (supposed enough mental maturity, thinking the issue stems from "undeveloped bodies", etc.).
Verbal abuse.
I work adjacent to education, and as such see a lot of high school transcripts come across my desk. The bad news is that there are absolutely tons of bad actors who use homeschooling as a way to indoctrinate kids to their insane, unsubstantiated worldview.
The worst news is that there's a ton of private schools and even some public schools doing it too. Schools across the U.S. are teaching creationism as fact, climate change as theory, and some of them even have the gall to consider their "Biblical Science" classes as honors level. If your only argument against homeschooling is indoctrination, it's not a very good one. In states like Utah and Oklahoma, you'd almost have to homeschool your kid just to make sure they're receiving a real education.
I daresay if more of the populace were hung there'd be a lot fewer angry opinions like this.
It's all relative. Humans are the most hung primates already.
Ehh… im sure most would find something else to be angry about.
I’ve yet to ever meet or speak with a libertarian that had any respectable amount of intelligence.
I'll disagree, slightly. They can also be:
I say this as someone who flirted with libertarianism in my early 20's due mostly to a conservative religious upbringing. I'm not super smart, but I flatter myself to say that I'm above average intelligence and education, and there was still a brief time in my life when libertarianism served like a valid ideology. It took actually reading some objectivist philosophy and simultaneously reexamining and then rejecting my religious background before the flaws became evident.
I've known many people who've participated in home schooling as teachers or students. A wide variety of "teaching" goes on, some of is just a more personal relationship with your child's formal education, on the other extreme, you have people like OP referenced.... and everything in between.
Libertarians of NH are famously stupid and terrible at everything though so I wouldn't worry too much.
Bears will sort them out
Fascists: do fascist things
Liberals: correct their spelling, then allow them to continue because fascism doesn’t threaten capital
Homeschooling is technically the opposite of fascist approach. As in "state being in charge" vs "parents being in charge".
That said, some parents are just too dumb to allow them full control over their child's education. Just in my case it was their "try harder" attitude about school, while something like homeschooling would work much better.
Imagine an autistic adult who never dropped the imitation and missed on most good things in life, trying to impose the same onto their autistic child who at least understands that imitation takes too much energy and isn't worth shit (and is seen right through by NT people anyway), thinking that their fake smiles, stupid loud nonsense talk and even fake hobbies (as in those they know nothing about, but talk a lot in public) don't look that, and also being scared shitless of the very idea of going to a therapist ("I'm/you're NORMAL", this is common in ex-USSR though), and, finally, actively sabotaging any idea to isolate their stupidity and ignorance to them. That would be my dad.
Other than personal examples, there are good and bad parents and there are good and bad schools and there are good and bad education systems.
Parents generally don't groom their children to become cannon fodder, some education systems do ; parents generally don't want their children to be fooled by politicians, and education systems are directly influenced by those politicians ; parents generally care for their own children to have some successes, while for Prussian-style school systems it's normal that some are just discarded, if the majority becomes good drones.
The NH libertarian party also produced this greasy weirdo comparing car licenses to a license for making toast at home. Gary Johnson got booed for saying a drivers license wasn't a bad idea.
They're a party of clowns
Once libertarian warlords non-aggression pactlords own all the roads, they would still need some sort of license to prove their road use subscription has been paid.
The NH libertarian party is a fucking joke, it's just insane people running it. I honestly can't believe the main party hasn't fully disengaged themselves from them. They're not even libertarians, as this post, goes %100 against the NAP, which is one of the foundations of libertarianism.
goes %100 against the NAP
The Non-Aggression Principle was always a swiss-cheese ideology. Looks great, tastes great, but its full of giant holes. It isn't rooted in some foundational legal understanding of assault and battery, or property theft or damage, or reputational slander, or financial harm. The basis for the NAP boils down to "Are you to blame for my anxiety?" And the prescription response for a violation is "Anything I think will make me feel better."
It's exactly the kind of reasoning that gives the term Anarchism a bad name. No common code of conduct or shared understanding of the world. Just a million little free radicals riding the tide of their insular views and knee-jerk reactions.
O I completely agree, I just thought it was funny that they're basically doing the exact opposite of one of the foundations of libertarianism relies on.
I think calling them free radicals is an insult to organic chemistry.
people like you deserve to be hung
Teach them that all you want but they won't be smart enough to live by themselves. Imagine wanting your kid to be as dumb as possible.
Conservatives are conserving a social hierarchy they were programmed to believe in by evil entities. Is some great irony that they wish their children to have the beliefs of pure evil.
School is important but politics is importanter.
Maybe they mean that people like them deserve to have big wangs. 🤷🏻♂️
Live and let live?
Nah, hang em.
There’s nothing wrong with home schooling if kids are meeting or beating national standards. What people doing home schooling need to remember is that college admissions are competitive af, so as long as you plan for that home schooling isn’t necessarily damaging or detrimental for child education.
Besides that, the U.S. needs higher national standards for stem at younger ages if the U.S. wants to train a globally competitive workforce. So while I respect individual rights to home school, I don’t think that home schooled students should ever be cut any slack on performance
Here’s some data
Though there are other reports which say that homeschooled students perform better than public school counterparts by wider margins, but it’s hard to say without looking at the data and comparison points directly. I mean, it wouldn’t make sense to compare rich homeschooled kids against poor inner city public school kids
Edit: oh so the autist in me always forgets the social and emotional dev part, but that’s super important. As someone who was bullied in public school, I am not sure I have an endorsement for public schooling as a great place for social and emotional development. In fact, public schooling may even be detrimental for highly sensitive children.
The key issue is that not every parent has the time or resources to home school, so the U.S. needs well funded and globally competitive public education because the few rich or well resourced home schooled kids are not going to encompass the entire U.S. workforce, or indeed carry the work of the entire nation on their shoulders
Or is this a reply to the person saying homeschooling should be illegal?
Why is microblogging UX so strange?
Because you can quote someone without actually speaking to them, and the UI has to show that as well as replies to that exchange.
It’s not perfect but it makes sense in context. Also, they all have timestamps so that should make the progression obvious.
Yeah I'm just an old person and back in mahdaay we didn't have no Twi'er
Someone tweeted that homeschooling should largely be illegal.
Someone else quoted the tweet them and said people like them should be hung. Quoting a tweet is like replying while also saying, "HEY, EVERYBODY, LOOK AT THIS!"
Then a third person corrected the second person's grammar.
It could be assumed that the second person was homeschooled, but there's no evidence within the picture to support that.
Despite having agreement with rightoids, homeschooling should be illegal. If your kids have autism or some other social condition, it should be considered an extremely severe form of child abuse. I went to a special high school and there was an autistic kid there who was homeschooled for middle school to keep him away from it and it fucked him up. Even at our school he didn't really have any friends and that was an accomplishment. In order to not fit in where I went, you had to seriously work at being a jackass. There was a kid with very severe autism and he fit in better then the home schooled kid who had potential to be "passing."
I think homeschooling is an excuse to have your older children babysit the younger children all day long and that they get zero education, and I agree it probably should mostly be illegal. I will make exceptions for kids dealing with severe anxiety or something.
It's banned in every civilized country, isn't it?
What's the consensus on homeschooling from lemmy users?
Like I posted above, the biggest issue with home schooling. Is it almost always is used to brainwash the children towards extremism.
I've got a sister and a sister in law who both homeschool their 4 children each. Those kids don't know how to read. It makes me pretty sick.
That's... Sad. My kindergartner knows how to read already.
Would be great if home schooling had some laws around not teaching your kids to be christofascist terrorists
Or even just some laws that require you to prove you have a lesson plan at all
Given how difficult it can be for a trained teacher to successfully manage lesson plans and teach one or two subjects, it's not hard to see why homeschooling is a disaster for a lot of kids who wind up being taught by a single parent with minimal to no education credentials.
Best-case scenario I've seen is that the students wind up pretty un-rounded, and wind up excelling in one or two subjects, while neglecting basically anything else. It makes sense from the perspective of the parent as well. That might be the subject you're most familiar with, and therefore can, even unintentionally, give it the most attention. Another aspect is wanting your kid to succeed, and if you see them excelling in a subject and doing poorly in another, there's a tendency to just keep focusing on that since they're doing so well on it, rather than "wasting time" on other subjects they're not excelling in.
Only 2 people I've ever known have managed to be what I'd consider "successful" after homeschooling. Both went to the same engineering school that I did, and did extremely well overall. However, they suffered many of the same issues in terms of over-specialization, which becomes really apparent when you talk with them for an extended period of time. Usually they also tend to be incredibly socially inept, but fortunately for these guys their parents gave them a ton of opportunities for socialization with clubs and social hobbies, so that wasn't as apparent, but still something that a lot of homeschool students miss out on.
Realistically, I think the only way you could feasibly manage a truly quality homeschool education is with both parents having an in-depth education of 2-3 subjects (like 5-6 years minimum), in addition to at least some formal educational training. Then, bringing in home tutors for the subjects they likely won't be able to cover nearly as well to supplement them. Finally, having them enrolled in an absurd amount of sports/clubs/hobbies to make up for the 6 hours of social contact with other kids they're missing out on.
With that being said, it's a fuckton more effort and money than almost anyone is going to actually put into a homeschool education, and 98% of the time it's going to be a stay at home parent with minimal to no credentials buying lesson plans off the internet, brushing up on them the night before, and likely giving lackluster instruction on most subjects.
I mean you follow a testing module to ensure subject matter is satisfactory. After 2nd grade I believe?
My daughter was very severely bullied in her middle school and we put her in an online school she does from home, but it's a public school with classes (via videoconference) with actual accredited teachers and the same awful Pierson textbooks everyone else uses anyway because Pierson, unfortunately, runs the program despite it being a public school.
She got the best grades she's ever gotten and gained a ton of self confidence when she was self-harming before.
Not exactly homeschooling as it is usually thought of, but she does do school from home.
Incidentally, this also means I can correct the information in her health class about things like cannabis and can also make sure she understands that her social studies class is often giving her the right wing or corporate viewpoints that are typical in American schools. She knows she still has to answer their way, but at least she knows what they're lying about when I can show her that they're lying.
What sort of stuff do they teach about cannabis in health class that's so badly wrong? I am not an American so I don't really know.
I remember in ours while they talked about the dangers of drugs in some disingenuous ways, they also put a lot of emphasis on the dangers of alcohol and nicotine. Specifically I remember them comparing either alcohol or nicotine to cocaine or cannabis or something and saying that the nicotine was more addictive than the illicit substance.
Cannabis isn't nearly as harmless as people like to think, but that doesn't mean it's as harmful as others would have you believe. It's certainly less physically destructive and somewhat less addictive than something like alcohol which should always be considered a "hard drug".
Good if you're actually able to do it properly, but there's a lot of cases where the parents really shouldn't be doing it.
It can be great, but a lot of states have literally no standards for how it's done, and most (all?) of the rest have very weak standards. I'd be fine with it if there were real standards requiring parents to educate their kids and not brainwash them into being Nazis.
Washington state has yearly testing standards to ensure education is level with peers. I know a lot of people who's kids are homeschooled here who are constantly exceeding scores of their peers. One parent is a 6th grade teacher in public school, while homeschooling her own kids. But even those without credentials are having high scores. Having a community and peer to peer collaboration helps too.
I'm generally OK with it, except when these kinds of doofuses do it. At best they want children to be indoctrinated to their ideology, at worst they're abusing their children.
Fine if you're not a lazy, racist idiot who's actually just scared their children might become friends with black kids and otherwise shouldn't have passed sixth grade themselves.
How do they not realise they literally give the best argument for the original proposal in their answer?!
Is the distinction more than pedantic?
Edit: I get the connotation that being hung means your dong is admirable. But in terms of the past tense of hang, both hanged and hung seem to be valid options such as in "I hung the laundry". And the alternative, "I hanged the laundry" sounds wrong. So pendantry?
Depends if you want to imply you'll fund their penis enlargement.
yes. "your deserve to be hung" is pretty much a compliment.