Liberals love jerking off about democracy but get so pissy when people don't vote for their terrible candidates. I thought democracy meant you had the freedom to choose? (Rhetorical question)
You're right and the worst part is, they get pissed off at us and not, you know, the people who are voting for the guy who's the second coming of Hitler in their minds? Why are we the ones who committed a great evil by wanting healthcare, but not the ones that elected Trump? Shouldn't they be the ones getting an earful?
I don't get it. We didn't vote for Hillary in 2016 so that's why we had to put up with Biden in 2020? Hillary winning would have made Joe Biden not be 500 years old?
It's true, I was a 2016 Bernie or buster that planned on giving Joe power all along because he's too old to do anything except a bit of light genocide and destroy the DNC from the inside.
Why the hell is he getting mad at us anyway? He got everything he wanted. Joe WON. Does he think the GOP would be any less dangerous if Hillary had won in 2016? Was America so frail that 2 Republican terms was all that was necessary to ruin it? And how is that our fault?
they think Trump is like a magic imp who was only released from his enchanted prison because Bernie tried to change things too fast, ignoring that Obama did jack shit for the previous eight years except cut black wealth in half and drone murder sixteen-year-old American citizens.
A lot of these morons think 2 SC justices on the cusp of death were all that stood to prevent America becoming a fascist dictatorship, which is hilarious on a lot of levels
Doesn't matter that more Bernie supporters voted for Hillary after the Primary, compared to PUMAs who voted for McCain in droves because Hillary lost to Obama in the primary. They will always punch left and blame us. FOREVER
damn bro, you can take your legal with a bump stock and quickly fix that problem by going to and then getting presidential pardon. Or genocide joe can take seals, as suggested by supreme court justice and outsource that emotional labor