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Legacy and Life Story of Keiko, orca star of "Free Willy"

Got to reading after visiting Klettsvik Bay, where Keiko was harbored for rehab and release.

Keiko’s Legacy, 30 Years after "Free Willy"

Timeline of life events, compiled by cofounder of the Orca Network. Both informative and fascinating.

  • Miami Seaquarium applies for a permit to capture Keiko and bring him to their tank in Miami, which is smaller than the tank he was saved from in Mexico City. The application is rejected on the grounds that Norway has jurisdiction and has stated flatly that Keiko will not be captured because he is just fine, and they don’t believe orcas should be held in captivity anyway.

    All these Aquariums and "experts"/media channels that spread misinformation have a lot to answer for. He may not have joined a pod but which pod is going to let a random old guy with a weird accent around their calves? That would have taken time Keiko didn't have at that old age. I'm glad orcas are phased out of aquariums who can't care for them.