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What JRPG’s will you play on July. What games did you finish last month?

Tell us about the game you finished? Were they good or bad and what are you plans for the current month?

  • I'm playing Trails to Zero. If i'm still in the mood i most likely begin Trails to Azure as well. Or the Persona 5 tactic game.

    • Azure is so amazing. I loved both games though. Zero is nice in that it gets rolling quicker than the other Trails games.

    • Excellent games. I think the series peaked with the Crossbell arc

      • At the moment my peak is somewehere between Trails of Cold steel III and IV, play it first. But i heared a lot people write good things about the Crossbell arc and i'm happy to finally play it. Let's see if it convince me as well.

  • I nibbled a bit more at Unicorn Overlord but it still hasn't grabbed me. Other than that, haven't spent much time in JRPG Land; I got sucked into Honkai Star Rail big time last month.

    This month will definitely be Trails through Daybreak month for me, though.

  • July-RPGs

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