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Lower Decks Season 4 - prerelease pro media reviews released - Inverse, SlashFilm and more…

Season-long prerelease reviews are an exception to this community’s rules about posting reviews. (The mods prefer our members to prefer to post their own episode reviews here.)

It seems that today’s the day that Paramount’s embargo on ‘spoiler free’ (in theory) season reviews for Lower Decks season 4 comes off, and the first pro reviews are now posted by some who have seen the screeners.

From Inverse:

  • each one of these 30-minute episodes is nearly perfect. Just as the USS Cerritos presents the workhorse of Starfleet, with Season 4, Lower Decks again proves it is the workhorse of the entire Star Trek franchise.

From SlashFilm - view with caution, a bit more spoilery

  • /Film Rating: 9 out of

Any to add to the list?

  • Well, if truly hearkens back to the TNG era, season 4 is the one where it should well and truly establish itself, right?

    • For many of us, Lower Decks already established itself a few seasons back.

      Also, I’d argue that Lower Decks success in attracting its own fans, new to Star Trek, and convincing them to tryout other shows in the franchise is the key measure of its success in broadening the base Trek audience.

      • For many of us, Lower Decks already established itself a few seasons back.

        Oh for sure ... my post above was mostly a joke about how if we thought it was good already it may only be achieving its "final form" now. I was sold on the first episode!