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Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Day 1 -- On Now! Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3

Only one player will rise to the top of the $500,000 prize pool at Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3!

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Day 1: Draft and Modern

  • I just want to say I think we're lucky to have Corey Baumeister and his commentary! I could listen to this guy 24 hours a day.

    • The commentary was great.

      And apparently, so is Nadu. 😀 If I'm doing my math correctly it's getting Hogaak-level meta percentage and conversion rates.

      • There's no doubt in my mind Nadu eats a Hogaak style ban too. Way overpowered and way too much representation.

        I also honestly still think The One Ring needs to go too. That card is bonkers level nuts and I think it's being slightly overshadowed by the even more nuts Nadu.