Thermion - 3D rendering toolkit for Flutter and/or Dart
Thermion - 3D rendering toolkit for Flutter and/or Dart
I recently published the first Thermion release to, and with that milestone I figured it was a good opportunity to share with a wider audience.
Thermion is an open source, 3D rendering toolkit I made for Flutter and/or Dart, built atop the Filament Physically Based Rendering engine from Google.
If you're interested in contributing, please see the repository or join the Discord.
Some examples/apps that use Thermion:
A live DartPad playground to try Thermion in browser (Dart only, no Flutter version, and Chrome only for now)
My personal website, where I added an interactive clone of myself
Prouder (a Flutter app from one of the Thermion contributors)
Polyvox, a 3D AI Chinese language learning partner (still under development)
Happy to share more details if anyone is interested.