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  • Then there is the sequel where the poo people fight back, but they do it in the wrong and bad way which really enforces why we kept them as poo people in the first place! Otherwise it upsets the natural hierarchy and don't you know they just create their own hierarchy that is even worse because it doesn't even acknowledge special people?

    Edit: that also makes it praised for it's 'realism'.

  • add a panel about males having this magic and females having that magic and you get wheel of time almost perfectly


    • I'm listening through WoT books for the first time and honestly they are pretty mid. I'm going to finish them, but it was wildly oversold to me.

      • what book are you on? i just started book 10. truth be told i like the books a lot and they are absolutely epics with incredible world building especially given how long ago the first was written. having said all that... yah, there's infinitely better stuff written in the past decade