Fastest way to kill my interest in a fantasy story tbh
Fastest way to kill my interest in a fantasy story tbh
Fastest way to kill my interest in a fantasy story tbh
Then there is the sequel where the poo people fight back, but they do it in the wrong and bad way which really enforces why we kept them as poo people in the first place! Otherwise it upsets the natural hierarchy and don't you know they just create their own hierarchy that is even worse because it doesn't even acknowledge special people?
Edit: that also makes it praised for it's 'realism'.
Ah, I see you too are familiar with Legend of Korra
I need one where the "poo people" overthrow all the "specials" and destroy magic
We need more works of fantasy about class struggle
EDIT: It's interesting because I think most readers read those stories and imagine themselves as one of the specials, whereas I always imagined being one of the poo people.
Maybe I should turn my world war punk setting into a book
add a panel about males having this magic and females having that magic and you get wheel of time almost perfectly
I'm listening through WoT books for the first time and honestly they are pretty mid. I'm going to finish them, but it was wildly oversold to me.