I rolled a one on stealth, that's a total of... 26.
I rolled a one on stealth, that's a total of... 26.
I rolled a one on stealth, that's a total of... 26.
A nat 1 is still a crit fail, isn’t it?
Only for attack rolls. Ability checks and saves do not crit fail (or succeed) and reliable talent treats rolls for ability checks that add proficiency bonus as 10 at the lowest regardless, so even if a 1 were a crit fail, it wouldn't matter.
even though those are rules as written, i like to honor the crits, with a bit of nuance. if you’re super stealthy and roll a 1, maybe it makes a small noise but doesn’t cause an alarm. if you’re dumping strength on your wet noodle wizard, maybe you’re able to move that heavy thing an inch on a 20. it’s always situational though. people get excited to see a crit, and i think it makes it more fun.
Every day, my Kenku Rogue gets scarier…I should read 5e
Not in 5e