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  • Our sessions and guests spanned a wide range of topics: prediction markets and forecasting, of course; but also finance, technology, philosophy, AI, video games, politics, journalism and more.


    • Our sessions and guests spanned a wide range of topics: grifting and grifting, of course; but also grifting, grifting, racism, grifting, racism, racism, racism and more.

  • some commenters in those threads are talking about the New York EAs vs the Berkeley EAs - the former are rich liberals, the latter are rationalist cultists. there are several suggestions that EA needs to expel the rationalists.

    the furious defenders of racism^Wfreedom of ideas in those threads don't seem to figure out that they're why the non-racist EAs are suggesting that expelling rationalism from EA is even possible

    i mean, they should have done so about a decade ago, because they were only and ever a fucking embarrassment

    but now they're being a hugely racist embarrassment, not just a nerd-weird one, and it's harder to spin that

    i mean, not that liberals aren't all for a bit of systemic racism, but you can't make it personal like that

  • Ok I've been giving $25 a month to for about 5 years now, and my understanding was they predominantly buy mosquito nets and give cash directly. Should I swap to a different charity?

    • it's literally these guys. MacAskill, who is splashed on the front page, goes on in his book about how much more important it is to think about 10^54 future computer emulations than mere tawdry actual existing people suffering now.

      So you will probably want to look inside the box and look precisely where your donations go, if the organisation you're sending your money to has a public list up.

    • They do buy mosquito nets, although it's unclear that all malaria net charities do so in culturally-appropriate ways where they'll be used as intended. I believe they've stopped with the large grants to deworming charities, which is good, because the effectiveness of deworming programs is extremely controversial. Depending on where you direct your money at that parent website, it might go to EA Funds, who send a lot of money at global development but has also paid a ton of salaries for people researching LLMs and AI. Or it could go to EffectiveVentures, which might have spent your money buying a castle. For reasons.

      If you support mosquito nets, you can give to the mosquito net charity directly, cut out the overhead. Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières does good global development work if you don't mind giving to a huge organization that by necessity has higher overhead. Avoid the Red Cross and you should be fine.