Does anyone here have any tips for making cross stitching easier on hand joints?
I have very painful joints and expect to get formally diagnosed with arthritis tomorrow. I love cross stitching, but my god does it make my hands hurt. I also work in IT, so my hands are in use all day for my job. I want to be able to craft after work to relax, but my hands just hurt and cramp immediately when I try to work on a project.
I sometimes use compression gloves when I crochet. They make it a little harder to maintain my normal tension, but I think they might lend themselves very well to stitching.
Meant to add that I have the kind without the fingertips. They're not fingerless though.
@KittenBiscuits@LaunchesKayaks I use my compression gloves all the time while stitching. They help reduce fatigue and swelling...and they make my hands look fancier while I'm working! 😉