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Lines in prints

Just about all of my prints have these lines at around the same heights, and I can't figure out why. I tried changing the nozzle, changing the layer height from 0.15 to 0.12, and changing the speed from 60mm to 40mm. All of these seemed to have helped a bit, yet they remain. I was thinking maybe as the prints get to a certain height, the shaking of the bed (Prusa MK2) caused the layers to be slightly offset perhaps. Anyone have any other ideas?


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  • I was having this problem, combined with a confusing bed adhesion issue. My gantry needed to be releveled.

    • Thank you, checking this now. I made a change I found on a video and made a new post here.

      How did you relevel your gantry? From what I see, you can loosen the two things I pointed to in my new post.

      • I have a different printer; it was a pretty involved process that required partial disassembly. I imagine this is very printer specific.

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