Portugal issues travel warning for US
Portugal issues travel warning for US

Portugal issues travel warning for US

Portugal issues travel warning for US
Portugal issues travel warning for US
It appears that these countries now have some form of warning associated with travelling to the USA:
Congrats US, not far to go to be on par with Afghanistan and Syria
Dude, stop posting this comment. It is wildly inaccurate. There is no travel advisory from Australia everything is hunky-dory.
Either turn the country names into hyperlinks linking to the travel advisory or stop spreading misinformation.
This gives people a false sense that countries are standing up to the US where in reality that isn’t happening yet. I’ve just finished studying the climate for nearly 20 years and I’m done with hopium.
ETA: your entire post history is constantly responding to people asking for a source. You’re not kind to the people who just want information, You’re not kind to yourself, And you’re causing all these servers to spin up more pollution just because you can’t deliver information efficiently. People like you drive me mad
If you actually READ the sentence above the growing list of countries, you'd see the words "some form of travel warning".
The Smart Traveller link you keep responding with, lists a whole washing list of "normal" precautions to take when you visit the USA, including but not limited to: protests, violence, terrorism, guns, etc. Seriously, the advice includes getting active shooter training. That's not normal in any sense of the word.
In addition, the page states that you can apply for an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), which if you'd done your research before blasting me, you'd discover is at the heart of many of the warnings issued by other countries. Specifically, if your passport doesn't match your gender assigned at birth, then your ESTA will, apparently, cause you to be turned back or locked up.
Then there's this page: https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/before-you-go/who-you-are/LGBTQIA
I won't be losing any sleep about my attempts to inform people about the reality of travelling to the USA at this time.
The link you’ve provided proves my point. I suggest you look at the date last updated at the very beginning of the article.
Your entire response is whataboutism of the finest degree.
Australian has not even made the LGBTQ warning, The Netherlands and Belgium have, and you could link those.
And now that you’ve disproven yourself re Australia I’m sure you’ll stop including it in your upvote seeking copypasta.
Finally yes nobody should travel to USA at this point, but this is about you spreading misinformation.
At no point did I state when these statements were made, or for what purpose. For example, Mexico specifically warns about Measles, no doubt the first of more to come.
How the list I've created is used, is entirely up to the individual contemplating travel.
That’s great buddy. Just add the links for those you can verify, remove the ones you don’t know for sure and stop turning something that could be factual and useful into a 20 season tv drama nobody asked for
Mexico issued a warning about traveling to Texas due to measles https://www.gob.mx/salud/documentos/aviso-preventivo-de-viaje-por-sarampion-en-texas-ee-uu
What I can mainly find about Austrialia is that that a local LGBTIQ+ organization called “Equality Australia” has released a 5 page document to warn people.
The Netherlands doesn't have any particular warning regarding travelling to the US.