LGBTQ asylum seeker 'forcibly removed' from US, sent to El Salvador
LGBTQ asylum seeker 'forcibly removed' from US, sent to El Salvador

Immigrant Defenders Law Center represents Venezuelan national.

LGBTQ asylum seeker 'forcibly removed' from US, sent to El Salvador
Immigrant Defenders Law Center represents Venezuelan national.
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There really is only one thing they're going to listen to.
The problem is that what they listen to shouldn’t matter. These fascist fucks shouldn’t have power in the first place, they belong back on 4chan hiding away knowing how unpopular their hateful ideas are.
Fair. The problem with what you propose is that having a space to communicate their 'unpopular' hateful ideas allows them to organise and grow their hate. So no, they shouldn't be on 4chan or wherever as that will only grow their determination. Best to get such places shut down.
Yeah that’s fair. Hateful rhetoric should be shutdown anywhere and everywhere. If you late bigotry and hate fester you get where we are now. My wording was careless, I’ll admit.
Well Joe wanted to play games with our lives
I really don’t know why he decided running again was a good idea at all. Maybe this could’ve been avoided if he stepped down and we had a real primary, but can’t change that now.
Because he's a Corpo Dem, and these fuckers are on their own kind of power trip. Biden should have made it known that he wasn't Running in 2022. instead he wanted another win so he could gloat in front of his rich buddies.
You have to remember these guys are all in the same circles the lines they're drawing in the sand are just that.
B I N G O and bingo was their name-o.
That or other forms of direct action and/or building around their power so we can ignore it.