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1 mile
take the bus
This is a complete fiction, right?
I actually did this at my US college.
I could take the bus which went 1 mile in 5 min which stopped outside my student apt complex.
Or I could walk for 45min along sidewalks around a couple city blocks and effectively walk like 4 miles to go one mile because there was no direct walking path through the residential neighborhood between my apartment and my college.
I wish I was lying
I don't know why everyone's going on about weather. 1 mile is a 20 minute walk. A bus can do it in 5. That's huge time savings regardless of the weather.
Fiction or American.
You think people take the bus in America?
Well they certainly don't walk
Not really. I used to take a bus every day to get to the metro station for a distance of only 1.5 km (0.93 mi). But to be fair it's because I was always on a tight schedule.
When I was 330 lbs. (150kg) it would take me 30 minutes to walk a mile, and I would be post-exercise dumb for at least 30 more. You don't want to the post-exercise dumb for class (taking or teaching).
Now (225 lbs. [~102kg]), it would still take me about 15 minutes to walk it, tho at that pace my HR wouldn't significantly increase, and I might decide to take the bus instead, if there's any sort of weather.
For everyone, I'd like to point out that the bones on this man were the same size, carrying 150kg vs carrying 100kg. They would continue to be the same size at 70 or 60kg.
Imagine, the next time you wonder how fat people have poor health outcomes: the same 10 square centimeters of bone in the legs could be carrying 40, 50, or a full 100 kg of weight. Or worse, the cross section of cartilage between the bones. Or worse. More weight than that.
Yeah, I'm still obese. I almost got down to overweight, I was within 3kg, but... I've had/been some setbacks. By height + BMI, I should be targeting 165lbs. / 75kg, but I'm still finding it impossible to stick to a diet that provides a calorie deficit. (I have in the past, but don't seem to now.)
My physical health is better by basically any metric. I encourage anyone that is overweight to lose it.
How do you know they are a man?
My profile indirectly discloses that. I don't think it matters much for the story, but I am a cis white male.
Thanks. Yes I get it. I am projecting too much of my own experience here.
???? Free college buses around campus in the winter time is dope what's the problem
If it's a campus bus it's almost certainly free, and probably timed to class schedules. If you only have 10m or so between classes it makes sense.
Free bus and constant buses arriving? Why not.
Does it feel better if you say it's a shuttle instead?
Eh, 1 mile is pretty far when carrying a heavy backpack. If it's free, I'd take the bus.
Wtf kind of school are you going to if you have a heavy packback? Unless you are taking welding equipment to school or something you really don't need much at all. School backpacks are usually pretty small.
Ever heard of textbooks? They tend to be quite heavy in my experience.
Sure its more than a few sheets of paper but a textbook is nothing compared to tent, sleeping bag, stove, fuel, water, food. Which is perfectly normal stuff that someone can pack into a bag and walk over 10 miles with.
Pfft. When I was young, I had to walk to TWO schools while carrying TWO heavy backpacks. The bus wasn't free because buses were still feral vehicles that tried to kill us on our way to school.
Did you also have to walk up hill both ways?
In the snow?
with no shoes?
Colleges love to flex their local bus service. Especially if it’s a big campus in the north.
I mean depends on the weather and how much time you have. I have a shop I go to regularly about 5-10 minutes walking distance away. Some days I just don't feel like walking and take the bus. If she had to go there more than once per week I can completely understand some days just not feeling like it.
Yeah fair enough really. Again I don't know what's going in everyone's life so I shouldn't judge.
But really everyone's a weakling these days, except me of course. I'm very tough (I drive a cybertruck)
Why? Do you live in america or something where bus infrastructure is bad?
I'm moderately flabbergasted that you'd consider anything other than walking for that kind of distance.
But I don't know the particulars here so maybe I should have kept my thought for myself.
I mean if the weather is TERRIBLE or I had a lot to carry I would consider a bus for the ~2 stops that is
This is a school, there no way the campus bus system has stops 1 km apart. More like every other block.
Could be a shuttle that goes between the extreme ends of campus.
I suppose if it's a full mile that's possible for some schools.
Non-american with great infrastructure here: For anything below 2 km I'm walking.
1 mile is pretty close to that limit though.
I took the bus for those distances several times when in college.
I've known people who have taken the subway/metro to get between classes on the same campus, so this is still plausible
1 mile take the bus
This is a complete fiction, right?
Wait. Hear me out.
Chilly snowy winter campuses, especially in the frozen North where it gets chilly and snowy, will often be nigh impassable after they close down the underground tunnels -- which they invariably do permanently as soon as there's any report of crime down there - and then it's either walking in your moon boots across the couldn't-afford-to-clear snowy campus pathways in 2ft of snow, or take a bus from one collection point to another and cut down on the trudging.
I dunno how OOP rode his bike, though, unless it wasn't snowy and kids are used to the shuttle service (me, I'd speed-walk across campus a few times a day. I was in great shape!) .
Just, small bus routes can be crazy-valuable if they avoid risk. That's all.
Its a greentext, so yeah.
maybe she had a tight timetable idk