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The “Midwest” is actually the “Mideast”
fight me. do it.
As a kid, I thought the Midwest was Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas.
Nebraska and the Dakotas are legit in the Midwest, but at the far western edge of it.
The Midwest is like 4 states in my head. I grew up in Indiana, so its Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois, and some of Kentucky. But most of Kentucky is actually the deep south, so that's not even quite right.
Appalachia is a state of mind.
Pennsyltucky has joined the chat
People in Wisconsin seem to think they’re the center of the Midwest, and that Michigan is their biggest competition lol
Which is silly, because Iowa is the epicenter of the Midwest.
We here in Michigan mostly just humor them
That's fair, bcz i think Indiana is the center of the Midwest. It's probably not. But in my head it is.
Madison, IN v Madison, Wisconsin. The real Midwest rivalry.
Indiana wins of course, because Miss Madison is fast.
The Midwest is the friends we made along the way
...northern kentucky was essentially rural ohio when i was growing up...