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  • A lot wealthier, but that's in significant part because most of the world is very poor relative to most people reading this. Some guy in Sudan isn't gonna be reading your post.

    Median global wealth per adult (2023):

    North America: $108,918

    Europe: $28,611

    China: $27,273

    World: $8,654

    Latin America: $6,341

    Asia-Pacific (excluding China and India): $5,176

    India: $3,755

    Africa: $1,242

    I think that you're going to have a hard time getting fine-grained data globally, though, because lots of countries just don't gather data and those that do often don't measure it in the same way. I really wish that the UK had stayed in Eurostat when leaving the EU, because now getting comparable data for the UK and EU isn't doable.

    If it's the US (in 2021 dollars), on a per-household basis:

    Median Wealth by Household Characteristics: 2021

    Typically someone tends to build up assets during their working life, and spend them in retirement, so age is gonna be a factor.

    Age of Householder

    AgeWealth ($)
    Under 3530,500
    35 to 44126,900
    45 to 54186,000
    55 to 64276,000
    65 to 69341,400
    70 to 74373,900
    75 and older315,900

    Highest Level of Educational Attainment in Household

    EducationWealth ($)
    No high school diploma8,460
    High school graduate55,030
    Some college, no degree90,810
    Associate degree139,000
    Bachelor's degree266,600
    Graduate or professional degree555,900

    Annual Household Income

    QuintileWealth ($)

    Also, just for good measure, since I suppose that "gold" would fall into "other asset holdings", you'd be pretty high relative to the norm in that category:

    Composition of Wealth by Asset Type

    Retirement accounts34.1%
    Equity in own home28.5%
    Stocks and mutual funds11.9%
    Assets at financial institutions8.1%
    Other asset holdings4.6%
    Rental properties4.3%
    Business assets3.9%
    Other real estate3.6%
    Student loan and education-related expenses-1.5%
    Credit card and store bills-0.5%
    Medical debts-0.5%
    Other unsecured debts-0.4%