Can I use A.I generated pics for book cover to sell?
Can I use A.I generated pics for book cover to sell?
I would like to use the image I created for a book cover and sell it, would that be okay? Or would that be illegal?
Can I use A.I generated pics for book cover to sell?
I would like to use the image I created for a book cover and sell it, would that be okay? Or would that be illegal?
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I wouldn’t buy that book
So You will literally judge a book, by it's cover.
Well duh, that’s why publishers use cover art
That's what the cover is for. The cover is your first impression of a book.
I'm not judging the book by its cover, rather the author.
BRB calling the fire department for this burn.
If the author is ok with profiting off of unpaid labor then I don't care to read what they have to say