I'm not talking about that, and ffs loosened gun regulation was one of the biggest agendas of the Trump campaign... not so much for the Democrats who took a 180 approach
It was. But there's a social contract being violated, here.
Also, the guys in the photo above? their rights to own guns were tramped out by that notorious liberal pinko commie Ronald Reagan, because as it turns out, they aren't for the freedom to bear arms, just the freedom for people they like and feel are on their side to bear arms.
If the Panthers started up again, you can bet all the second-amendment types would be begging for gun control in five minutes.
Honestly I think the idea that we're anti-gun is projection by right-wingers who are anti-gun because they want police and government to have more control. They won't admit it though because they believe that they should have guns to fight against us, but if they beat us, I guarantee they'd show their anti-gun side more prominently.
Man being unironically Anti-gun is so cringe. Like really if you're anti-gun you almost certainly believe that people shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves and therefore should instead rely solely on the police for their own protection, because that's who you'll rely on now if you can't defend yourself.