The Silmarillion is one of my favourite books, but I totally get this. Unless you’re really into Tolkien’s world as well as this style of book it’s not a fun read.
That was actually my favorite Tolkien book. He was a terrible fiction writer with an excellent story to tell... but when he was writing non-fiction style in the Silmarillion he was really in his element... and/or the posthumous editing was top notch.
I had the same experience with the two towers. I can't watch the movie of the two towers. And I can't make it more than 60 or 70 pages into the book before my brain gives up and says they've been walking through the fucking Hills and talking to the trees for 30 pages this is some bullshit.
Maybe I'm cutting myself short by not pushing through but I just literally cannot build up the energy it takes to push through this wall of infinite text.