A lot of people who think they're saying "[actual fact]" are really just stating "[subjective opinion]" and call any criticism of their opinions "[incoherent rage]"
This is funny because I read it as "Democrats don't control the weather and [they] create hurricanes to destroy Florida."
Media literacy strikes again. You could state what you stated and yet someone will still believe they create hurricanes without the ability to control weather.
You can control the weather to some degree and governments do, do it. Its just the word 'control' implies significant amount of control when in reality it is very minor.
Often these conspiracies are rooted in actual facts, just that facts get distorted insanely. Even if one person in the chain made a mistake, everyone else after them will also make the same mistake.
(Just an article on could seeding if anyone is interested )
By anyone with the slightest bit of education on climate change. Your team game is irrelevant to the reality that by Biden increasing oil production to its highest ever amount, democrats have enabled capitalism to change the climate, and thus the weather to the detriment of the entirety of life on earth.
Not everything that is worth discussing has a source. Abstract ideas and hypothetical scenarios (among other things) have their places in rhetoric and communication.