Pope Excommunicates Trump-Loving Ultra-Conservative
Pope Excommunicates Trump-Loving Ultra-Conservative

The Vatican’s former ambassador to the U.S. refused to recognize Francis’ legitimacy–so he got thrown out of the Catholic Church.

Pope Excommunicates Trump-Loving Ultra-Conservative
The Vatican’s former ambassador to the U.S. refused to recognize Francis’ legitimacy–so he got thrown out of the Catholic Church.
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Vigano thereafter made increasingly baroque attacks on Francis while also drifting into conspiracy theories, backing bogus claims about COVID vaccines and making proclamations about the evils of the “deep state.” This week, he shared an X post from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in which the MAGA congresswoman asserted: “The Covid vaccines are killing people.”
Homey dropped off the deep end and never came back, lol. Didn't his parents ever tell him, "Don't believe everything that you see on the internet."?
Imagine being a big deal in the Catholic Church and complaining about the Deep State.
I mean his whole job is to get other people to believe there's an invisible dude in the sky ready to smite me if he sees me masturbate. This is just par for the course for him :>
Quit making that face when you masturbate and maybe he won't.....you know the face I'm talking about.
I'm turning Japanese Oh yes I'm turning Japanese I really think so
He’s (well he was) an archbishop. Homes has believed in crazy things people just made up and treated as real for a super long time.
Transubstantiation. Yo.
Archbishop? How do those move again?
It's the same as a normal bishop. They use arch btw.
Remind me again, are those the pieces with the funny hats?
Depends on what you mean by funny. I think those guys wearing horse masks are out there.