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  • I just watched Oppenheimer. I went in with no expectations, but a solid grasp of the history (except I did not know Lewis Strauss's role in the clearance hearings, so that was good to learn).

    I was deeply moved by the film. I have never conceptualized the person that Robert Oppenheimer was. Being a scientist working in the nuclear industry, I owe him a lot. And I find he was someone to look up to; and I also empathize with him as a person. I'm definitely not as brilliant as he was, but there are parallels between us personally and in our careers to date (albeit on a much smaller scale for me!). I understand the struggles he went through regarding his position on nuclear weapons. I believe he was someone who lived in contradiction (by seeing pros and cons to every stance, moral benefits and burdens) and was ok with living with the controversy internally... Much like quantum mechanics provides in general.

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