A supportive husband
A supportive husband
A supportive husband
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That's just mean. But really funny.
How is that mean? She's playing a Switch game and that is the Switch controller layout.
that is unfortunately the Switch controller layout.
That layout beats Xbox's by over 10 years.
What can I say? I wasn't alive. Besides that, Xbox sucks. PC gaming is where it's at.
You just believe in humanity more than I do. It's gotta be mean somehow. If she's on the Switch and that's the Switch layout, it's because the husband just wants to distract her or make fun of how she looks down at the controller. The meme also suggests that the husband made the meme, so just publishing the meme and turning his wife into a meme is pretty cruel and harsh. I mean, is this what humanity is? Now we turn our loved ones into memes making fun of them on the Internet? So glad you don't love me. I mean, if you loved me, maybe you'd make fun of me in a fucking meme.
Dude, this is a funny story about his wife learning to play games. It's not making fun of her. It's having fun with the situation. Couples frequently have fun stories about each other that are about mistakes that showed how much they cared. This one is about a wife who cared about learning to play video games enough that they continued even while struggling with controls, and their spouse who noticed their frustration and created a tool to help them. There's no mocking happening.
You were a boring child with no imagination.
I like how "not malicious" is boring in your mind. You've got something wrong with you.
It's boring because it's a falsehood. You're malicious, thinking your wives are idiots. I'm another man, telling you men, that you're a bunch of idiots. I'm actually smarter than you, and you hate it. I already know my IQ and can beat yours because mine is way beyond posting "the wife" memes. As a matter of fact, I'm only here because I'm studying you computer nerd people and entering your responses into a database. I suppose I could be nice and thank you for your response, but you're such a boring idiot that had no imagination as a child that I really have nothing else to say. When you were a child you had no imagination and you were boring. Now, here you are!
How is her not knowing something thinking that she's an idiot? Helping her learn is the opposite of that. It's recognizing she's capable of learning it and helping her. Have you ever learned a new skill and not had muscle memory for it yet? It takes effort and time.
Also, you aren't smarter than me. You may believe that, but if you're incapable of recognizing that she is learning and this is helpful, then you aren't very smart.
I'm way smarter than you. I know this because of what you just said, which is kind of not smart. Also, are you a husband or a wife? And what part of this meme is communicating anything useful about learning to anyone? It's just trash posted to the internet. You also make assumptions. You assume husbands teach wives things and that this meme is about husbands teaching wives. You got yourself into a really huge loop you created all on your own, here. I mean, let's say you're smart. If you were, you might not have written the stupid comment you wrote.
No escalation. Just that, think about it, memes these days are getting awfully personal. And anti-wife. Love the wife. You married her. Stop shitting on her. Or divorce her so she can be who she was meant to be, namely not referred to as your wife in a meme. You computer nerds from the future sure are eager to get wives and don't know how to keep them.
I think you're reading a lot of malice into a light-hearted image macro. Hell, I've been playing video games for over 40 years and I still have trouble remembering the buttons when playing a game with an Xbox controller layout - this would be really useful for me, and I certainly wouldn't be upset if someone posted a picture of me using it.
EDIT: I didn't even notice this was literally in Wholesome Memes.
Me, as the wife, would be distracted with this huge piece of paper under the screen. I'd be looking at the piece of paper instead of the screen. It looks a lot like cruelty. I mean, this meme is just all kinds of wrong. It doesn't deserve to be a meme. It's a "my wife" meme, which shouldn't be in the year 2024. In the year 2024, wives should be posting "my husband" memes and making fun of husbands. You don't get that. Because as a child you were boring, because you had no imagination. I tell this starkly dooming fact to a lot of people on lemmy. But it seems like this is what I must face now as a lemmy user. I need to communicate with adults who were boring children with no imagination.
I'm totally being serious and not trolling. I don't get this whole "the wife" stuff. Where's the "the husband" stuff. Where's the memes about "put a diagram up for the husband for X?" memes? Obviously, Lemmy is husband-dominated, not much coming from the wives. And where are the wives teaching their husbands about gaming? My mom was a huge gamer. If she weren't dead, she could have made up a meme about teaching my dad about gaming. My dad was a huge gaming idiot. Stop being such I don't know... unimaginative. I just really wish I could reply with a meme about adults who were children lacking in imagination. I mean really, don't you even have an imagination now? Probably not. Which means, the inevitable thing I might say about your intelligence...