Prognosis: back pain and general grouchiness
Prognosis: back pain and general grouchiness
Prognosis: back pain and general grouchiness
Raise your hand if you saw the original Hans shot first version of Star Wars in the theater.
Additionally, I remember my mother going to see Elvis live. The real one, not some seedy Vegas lounge impersonator.
If she did that before you were born, too, there is a chance Elvis is your father.
Spacetime has just warped my brain if I can remember her doing something before I was born.
Who knows what kind of powers a son (daughter?) of Elvis has.
Hmm, OP, can you do a little jig better than most people? Do your hips seem to gyrate of their own accord? Do you have great hair?
Have you ever deep kissed a line of girls and they were into it?