Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem'
Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem'

Donald Trump declared his support for Israel's ongoing siege on Gaza and attacked immigrants in a Fox News interview.

Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem'
Donald Trump declared his support for Israel's ongoing siege on Gaza and attacked immigrants in a Fox News interview.
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He sure needs to "commit suicide" via 3 shots into the back of the head.
Given his ties to Russia, I believe a fall from a hospital window would be more realistic.
That might spark a civil war as his followers lash out, at the very least a wave of terrorism for the death of their messiah
Pretty sure they'll cower behind their AR15s and talk loudly, and do nothing.
Me thinks it would be the fastest civil war in history.
My estimation of how this might go: Goods stop arriving in stores, diabetics can't get insulin, critical infrastructure gets targeted first. Good luck maintaining internet connectivity. The masses would do more damage to themselves than either political opposition.
Would be fun to shrug it off like that but they are infested in the military, courts, police, and the Republican party
You can look at the history of white America getting away with murders of coloured folk to see why it is a scary prospect
Oh, I'm by no means shrugging it off. Thousands would die. I'm simply saying, it would end quickly and stupidly. We are too interdependent on our institutions to have an effective civil war.
It would also take a seperate opposing body to attack another. How would republican actors know who is ideologically to the left of them?
Unless they employ some type of guerilla warfare but, I don't think there are enough people committed to trump to get that done effectively.
Oh brother...
That might spark a civil war
Considering how Trump loves alienating the military it will probably be a very short one.
We're near the cusp anyway, though not on the precipice. The worst thing though is knowing the Maga cult is likely to try and rise up if anything happens to Trump they don't like, including not winning the Presidency. This is depressing because on the other hand I do NOT foresee the Left doing the same.
They should.
They won't though.
Republicans don't view him as a "messiah." They view him as the opposite of Biden.
Right, that's why you right wing lunatics referred to him as "God Emperor of the United States"
Meh, there's some idiots out there that take it too far...just like how some of ya'll truly believe Biden is a good President...
Ah yes, I remember it well, the 2016 election season was just starting up, and Trump said “vote for me, I’m the opposite of the previous vice president.”
What a moving speech it was.
Only on Liberal Lemmy and Liberal Reddit can you threaten to kill a Republican politician, and everyone just laughs it off....
We don't rejoice in the mass-murder of innocents like your ilk does, right-winger - we prefer the violence to happen to those who deserve it.
Rejoice? Lol..if it was up to the RIGHT, anyone who commits murder, child molestation, rape...etc...would be hung on the spot. It's you liberals that try and see the silver lining in all the horrible things that people do...
anyone who commits murder, child molestation, rape
You want to see right-wingers hang? So do I!
It’s you liberals
Where did you get the idea that liberals aren't right-wingers?
Oh geez...
Oh geez…
Careful there... some of your christofascist brethren might see that as idolatry. You wouldn't want to differentiate yourself from that crowd, now do you?
Trump is not a Republican politician. It seems to me that most Republican politicians are neither.
No threat has actually been made. It’s the same as saying “I wish he’d have a heart attack.”