Deja Brew
Deja Brew
Deja Brew
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How would you reheat it?
Obviously you take it outside and pray to the sun god for 1h and 23 minutes.
Praise be Sol Invictus
Turn my machine back on; it heats the pot.
It also scorches the coffee, ever wonder why your coffee always tastes burnt in the afternoon? Microwaving just heats it up without burning the dissolved coffee
Keyword being "my". Your machine sounds like it has an element below the pot. I'd say nearly zero home coffee machines have this in the US.
Doesn't most drip machines do this? Mr. Coffee?
One of the more common fixtures in American coffee drinking homes is a drip brewer. It pours hot water over a basket of grounds into a glass carafe which sits on a heating element to keep it warm.
Personally, I dislike the taste and never drink that much coffee. I use a Clever Dripper to make my one large cup before work, drink it, and go. Depending on my mood or time available I might make an espresso based drink, but my Clever otherwise meets my daily needs.
I don't drink coffee anymore but how can I sign up to get paid to advertise the Clever Dripper™ on social media?
I’ve owned 3 or 4 coffeemakers and every single one of them has had a heating element below the carafe. My current machine even has a setting for how many hours it stays on after brewing. The problem with reheating coffee this way is that it takes a good 15 minutes to actually get hot again whereas my microwave takes 60 seconds.
So you'd pour the coffee back in the pot to reheat it?