The arguments about "inefficiency" and "bureaucracy" have to be the most baffling ones to me. We already have a system that is an inefficient maze of red tape, lengthy forms, and arbitrary decisions about healthcare availability made by suits without medical training. We already pay high premiums. What "efficiencies" of capitalist healthcare are we so desperate to preserve?
OP did not specify "currently in use". You added that all by yourself. Additionally, something currently being in use does not imply it is the best possible option. We lived under fuedal socio-economic systems for thousands of years, now we live under corporatist/capitalist systems. I don't know what will come in the future.
C a p i t a l i s m i s a n a l o g o u s t o e v o l u t i o n . I w o u l d n ' t c a l l i t e f f i c i e n t i n a n y w a y .
pls expound:
Someone starts a new company. It either grows or dies. The company can change over time to adapt to it's environment, it can split, it can spawn new companies. The ones that fit best in their environment survive. The ones that don't die. Some companies fill a specific niche and never grow beyond that. If they grow too big they can outpace their environment and destroy it and themselves.