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Trump: Civil War didn't need to happen, could have been "negotiated" Trump: Civil War didn't need to happen, could have been "negotiated"

Trump: Civil War didn't need to happen, could have been "negotiated." At a campaign event in Iowa today, former President Donald Trump...

Trump: Civil War didn't need to happen, could have been "negotiated"

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  • This is one that I deal with all the time with the extreme right, the extreme left, the extreme LGBTQ..., the extreme vegans etc.

    You have to negotiate!

    No, we don't. Some starting positions are so ridiculous that they leave no room for negotiation. No one is owed a negotiation. Sometimes the answer is, "No."

    EDIT: A couple of pedantic extremist apologists and a small brigade of their friends tried to shout and insult me down. They failed. They weren't interested in a conversation, just silencing someone whose message they didn't like. Do you know how I know this? Not a single one of them asked me to explain myself. Not a single one asked me why am extremist is an extremist.

    All extremists have a pathological belief that they are somehow superior and that that superiority justified their anti-social behavior. So neo-Nazi extremists have a pathological belief that they are racially superior and that that superiority justifies harassing, intimidating, and threatening people they believe are racially inferior to leave. Vegan extremist believe that they are morally superior and that that moral superiority justifies their harassing, intimidating, and bullying restaurateurs butchers, grocers, farmers, and their customers to change their diets to comply with the extremists beliefs.

    So, the (pedantic) details may be different but the underlying pathology is the same.

    An extremist is an extremist. They're all pathological assholes with grandiose delusions.

    • Some of those are not the same

      • Extremists are extremists.

        • Vegan extremists are not the same as Neo-Nazi extremists.

          • That's why by they're called different things, pedant, but an extremist is an extremist.

            • Yes, and a criminal is a criminal. You are very smart.

              • For example, all extremists resort to pretty insults when their attempts to derail the conversation fail. They also attempt to brigade anyone they don't agree with into silence but downvotes on Lemmy are completely impotent and leave the extremists flailing pathetically. Extremists are extremists. They have different causes and hate different people but their behaviours are very, very similar and they are very easy to spot.

                • No dude, this isnt the other guy flailing. You refused to explains your point and instead decided to double down and continue to not explain your point.

                  Saying extremists are extremists means nothing because extremism can vary from situation to situation. John Brown was certainly an extremist so were the confederates, the difference is that Brown wanted to free people from their shackles while the confederates were the ones putting them on.

                  Frankly speaking the other guy was making fun of your morally simplistic idea on things and had decided to just make fun of you instead.

                  Youre worse than the fucking retarded wheraboo who thought a king tiger was better than an Abrams, atleast he put in funnt pictures.

                  • More childish insults. Don't forget the impotent downvote. That's really the icing on the flail.

                    My point was that some opening positions were not worthy of negotiation. The commenter tried to derail the conversion by being pedantic about different types of extremists not being the same. I didn't bite so he and his limp noodle brigade started downvoting and insulting me. I'm not a weak minded tool so I stayed on message and simply taunted them, as I am now doing you, for being utterly ineffective and impotent.

                    Be better.

                    • Honey it's not a brigade, you're just wrong. It's not pedantism, you just sound like a fool.

                      • I've been around long enough to know that 10-12 downvotes on every comment in a dead thread with only three participants is a brigade. You can say it isn't but that doesn't change that it is and that anyone who looks at it can see that it is.

                        "The sky is red, millions of people are dying, and we can save them."

                        "The sky isn't red."

                        "No, my point was millions of people are dying and we can save them."

                        "But the sky isn't red!"

                        That is the literal definition of pedantism.

                        My main point was that some starting points aren't worth negotiating. I'm sorry that you missed that. It was apparently clear to most readers. That extremists are extremists is a minor, establishing statement and absolutely true. That anyone is arguing that instead of my main point is pedantic.

                        Here's the thing...I don't care what you or anyone else thinks. That's why your insults are meaningless to me. You want to piss into the wind, go ahead and I'll just keep mocking you.

                        I'll be here if you want to have an actual conversation.

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