I'll go first. Mine is that I can't stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It's like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds
I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I really liked the Sequel Trilogy. Someone can be a Star Wars nerd, and still enjoy The Last Jedi. I understand why fans hate it, but for me it's fun to watch. I don’t like to take it too seriously. Also, I enjoyed Solo. My mantra Trust no one and you will never be betrayed is from that movie.
That all said, I love the lore! Jar Jar the Sith, Darth Plagueis, the fan films, the theory—It’s so cool.
I am a massive Star Wars fan and cannot understand people who expect it to be high cinema. It's a series about space wizards and WW2-style air battles. Like all fantasy/SF, it is occasionally commentary on real-world stuff, but it isn't trying to be Star Trek. Things are allowed to just be fun
Yeah to me though it was self derivative. It's not high cinema sure, but I watched episode 4, you don't have to repeat it with celebrity cameos and better CGI.
IMO, The Last Jedi is an ok movie in a vaccum. The problem is it’s supposed to be part of a trilogy and it barely advances the plot and character development. As a stand alone film though? It’s alright.
Solo is the only Star Wars movie I have seen that I actually liked, it was honestly pretty great and it mystifies me why it was a flop. I guess because it didn’t focus on lame space wizards?
Donald Glover as Lando was absolutely hilarious and amazing.
The only reason Solo flopped is because it came on the heels of The Last Jedi, which left a very bad taste in a lot of fans mouths. TLJ nearly brought the entire franchise to its knees. If it weren't for the success of The Mandalorian shortly after, I think a lot of fans would have abandoned Star Wars entirely. If they had waited just 1 more year to release it, Solo would have been a much bigger hit.
It is a cowboy western in space complete with a train robbery, high stakes poker game and lots of evading the law… so what if TLJ sucked I don’t see how people didn’t find it a blast especially because it made the origin story of how chewy and solo met so fun.