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What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed?


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  • I'm currently trying to run a Sven Co-op server under Ubuntu Server. This has been a five hour chore of trial and error, dealing with library incompatibility, architecture incompatibility, poor documentation and Stack Overflow messes.

    Im currently using about twenty tabs of documentation and support requests. At this exact moment, I'm trying to compile a 32 bit version of libssl 1.1.1, at which point I will be able to test again. If it doesn't work this time, I absolutely do not have time to continue trying.

    So what's the challenge here? Nothing is simple and nothing is well explained. This is a three-step process on Windows that just works. On Ubuntu, the first step requires you to add a new apt repo and install support libraries, and beyond that, you're on your own to figure out the compat issues further down the line.

    Edit: Can't make it work, it's just one thing after another. I'm just gonna do a fresh install of the whole OS, considering how much bs I installed chasing these issues, and then, idk, just not play a game with my brother I guess.

    • I don't know how much time you have left, but if it's a dedicated server machine/system (I assume it is since it's running Ubuntu Server) you could look into installing Pterodactyl which is a game server panel + daemon which can take care of setting up and running game servers for you. It uses Docker under the hood which helps solve issues like this.

      I see there is an egg for this game that someone has made for Pterodactyl (eggs are just basically instructions for Pterodactyl on how to create a game server) that you could import, and then just practically hit create. This particular one uses Ubuntu 16.04 as a container image, which would make sense if that game needs libssl 1.1.1

      Could definitely be worth a shot, especially if you're planning on running other game servers down the line - that repo I linked to has a ton of game server configuration ("eggs") on it. Hell it even has some eggs for non-game servers, like if you wanted a Mumble/TeamSpeak server.

      • I'll be sure to give that a try. While I was vomiting from frustration about this last night, I came across a Docker image I was going to give a shot.

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