Let's face it. Dude is just finding excuses left right and center. One time they said it was because "easy kernel modification could lead to cheating" this time it's because of "staff shortage" and next time it's because the planets aren't aligned.
When they announced EAC to be compatible with Linux they literally said " ... developers can activate anti-cheat support for Linux via Wine or Proton with just a few clicks in the Epic Online Services Developer Portal." (Source) and they know that the Linux community would likely tinker their way to get it working if they were to allow Wine/Proton on EAC...
The part where they say that using Linux instead of Windows is like leaving the US for Canada when Trump gets elected, and apparently it's bad because it means you don't help improve things for Windows (lol).
It's not about it happening, it's about the results of those who leave.
Basically, if in the U.S. voters leave to another country based on a political choice, they are now removing their political choice meaning any dissent there may have been is now gone.
So, with Linux being like Canada, Windows refugees are removing any option of OS improvement for Windows.