What's something you bought under $25 on Amazon that is a life changer and why?
What's something you bought under $25 on Amazon that is a life changer and why?
What's something you bought under $25 on Amazon that is a life changer and why?
beats out the brick and mortar stores
Pretty much everything was a duopoly and as the market was so small they just grew to mutually exist without need to compete.
Shit most of them are all owned by the same parent companies now.
My point being that while a duopoly may seem like a worst case scenario, it very much isn't.
My point is that is isn’t any better or worse when there isn’t competition.
You’re still a captive market being charged the highest costs possible.
The "highest cost possible" is higher in a monopoly than a duopoly.
No, it's at the consumers wallet.
I don't know what this means
The highest cost is hard set by what the consumer is able to spend.
They cannot go higher.
if that's how you want to define "highest cost", then goods absolutely aren't priced at highest cost in a duopoly
they aren't even priced at highest cost in a monopoly, because "all the money a person has" is just cartoon logic
So private telecoms frantically lowering their prices when a public-funded internet company launches is just a coincidence?