Rule of Acquisition #10: Greed is eternal
Rule of Acquisition #10: Greed is eternal
Rule of Acquisition #10: Greed is eternal
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They may be greedy, but at least Ferengi are not usually racist shitbags.
Rule of Acquisition 17: A contract is a contract is a contract… but only between Ferengi
They don’t exactly treat everyone equally.
I think it's hinted that they are. I don't think they say "humARNS" like that due to a speech defect. I think they say it cos they don't like Xenos like us. They like our latinum.
Uhh... the misogyny though
It got addressed, they let females have jobs and stuff
Oh great, sexism solved then.
Did they let them wear clothes though?
Dang it!
There are multiple levels of misogyny. It doesn't end by letting them gain employment.
Also that happened at the very end of ds9, and only when the least ferengi-like ferengi ever became grand nagus, and his advisors were, his non-ferengi wife and his give-no-fucks civil rights leader mother.
That ending is hilarious to me. Societies just don't do a compete 180° over the course of a year or so. Changes at that level are very, very slow. Taking centuries in some cases. But all of a sudden, they have taxes, social programs, environmental programs, etc...
I know Ferengis are portrayed as non-violent, but I would think makes such rapid, unpopular changes would lead to some level of violence/civil uprising.
I know Ferengis are portrayed as non-violent
Even leaving the early-installment weirdness of TNG Ferengi aside, there were always Eliminators like Leck...
Sometimes they do, but not usually peacefully. Revolutions lead to rapid changes.
What are you, some kind HOO-MON feminist?
They're racist and horribly sexist.