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  • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte Remember, it's Israel claiming what those bunkers are used for and by whom, and they are well known to lie.
    Generally speaking, never trust anyone engaged in ethnic cleansing.

    • Unfortunately, I trust Hamas even less. However, there was an interview of a doctor who worked at this hospital, who did confirm that Hamas was using it.

      • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte The question is was the doctor under duress by Israeli forces? It's not like Israel plays it straight, or has any reason to. Israel has used human shields, Israel has attacked and is currently attacking Palestinians in the West B. ank where Hamas isn't, Israel even violated the ceasefire first. So let's not pretend that they are an honest broker, because they aren't

        • No, he was not under duress. He was given interview in UK.

            • Sorry, don’t remember where. I think it was posted in fediverse with a link.

              EDIT: not the original source, but I found it by googling:

              • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte "a British doctor"

                Umm, yeah that sounds _totally_ reputable /s

                Are you really this naive?

                • So, no amount of video, showing bunkers and doctor statements is satisfactory for you. What does it take for you to change mind? Any amount of evidence exist to convince you that known terrorist group that used and uses human shield used the hospital? Or do you live in the world where you just decide what to believe because you like it, and ignore everything else staring right in your face?

                  • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte No amount of Israeli propaganda will sway me, because having a bunker isn't illegal, especially considering the nature of Israeli attacks against Palestinians for DECADES! Worse, the pictures are showing you are completely empty. You are completely taking and occupation military's propaganda as gospel. That is the definition of naive.

                    • It is not just bunker, it is consistent picture from operation of Hamas for years, and a witness statements, which is published in non-Israel sources.

                      • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte witness statements as given to the IDF and you took as gospel.
                        Are you being serious right now? I mean really?
                        Thought experiment for you, what is the difference between a Hamas bunker and a civilian shelter? Do you really believe Israel will honestly tell you? Remember, we're talking about the same state sponsored terrorists who have literally bombed civilian convoys in the safe corridors they established

                  • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte your problem is that no matter how you want to cut it, Israel is operating in the wrong from the start. They are the occupation force, resisting an occupation is LEGAL, and any nation under that circumstance would do the exact same thing.
                    That said, was Hamas's actions against civilians on October 7th a terrorist attack, yes.
                    Has Israel engaged in terrorism against Palestinian civilians for decades, YES
                    Has Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing, YES

                    • I never said that resisting occupation is illegal. But we are talking about Hamas and sector Gaza here. There was no occupation of sector Gaza from 2005-ish.

                      You are saying that there is ethnic cleansing that happen in sector Gaza for years. Did you check the population of sector Gaza? The only ethnic cleansing that happened there was when Israel removed Jewish settlements. So let’s not through big scary words like “ethnic cleansing” when simple check of reality on the ground is totally against the meaning of the word. That includes today’s war where IDF goal is removing Hamas. Yes, there are civilian casualties - it happens in a war especially when Hamas uses civilian shield.

                      Now, with respect of Israel engaging “terrorism”, aren’t you confusing things? Was it, again, Hamas that was promised to destroy Israel and was shooting rockets into Israel and doing other terrorist acts? What Israel could possibly do when your neighbor shoots rockets at you with promise to destroy you? What? Again, Gaza Strip was NOT occupied. West Bank was, but would you de-occupy the West Bank when it might go the way Gaza Strip went with Hamas coming to power and following terrorist attacks for years?

                      Also, if it was Israel goal to do ethnic cleansing of sector Gaza at any point, than it would have done it - no Hamas resistance would be enough.

                      But let me put forward a simple truth, which you seem to ignore - there is no path to peace with Hamas in power. None. For the sake of Palestinians and everyone in the region, it must be removed. If you do not want the repeat of the same situation for both Israelites and Palestinian people with casualties in civilian population on both sides, Hamas has to go. There is just no alternative. No matter what crimes who did in the past - the path to the peace does not include Hamas staying in power.

      • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte That's fair, they're terrorists. That said, Israel by every measure is worse

        • Was than Hamas? The one whose goal is to “run Jews to the sea”? The one who started all this by purportedly killing civilians? Really?

          • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte You say that as we're literally watching the Israeli conduct ethnic cleansing for the past several decades of the Palestinian people. So yes demonstrable the Israeli are worse.

            • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte

              I mean literally months before October 7th the Israeli were murdering Palestinian children in the West Bank... where Hamas isn't. You might want to catch up on what's really going on in the Occupied territories

              • Yes, a mob of people, that includes 17 y. o. “children” throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at armed people/vehicles and being shot in response (and how military police would know that they are 17 and not 18?) is TOTALY equivalent or even worse than what Hamas did when purposely hunting and cruelly killing more than 1000 civilians. Do you even try thinking before you post?

            • Today you are watching war, in which IDF is hunting Hamas for attacking Israel and killing more than 1000 people. Hamas uses civilians as human shields that leads to additional deaths that otherwise would happen in any war. After Hamas killed those civilians, Israel had no other alternative but to react to this. Hamas has main objectives to destroy Israel and as long mg as it exists, it will try to repeat the massacres again and again, and there would be no peace and Palestinian people are and will be suffering because of that. Put the blame where it is - on the terrorist organizations that uses their own citizens as human shields in order to create reaction from people like you. And the more you react the more Hamas will use human shields for its perposes - because it’s working and Palestinians be damned. Only complete elimination of Hamas can have chance of peace.

              • @MxM111 @jeena @FlyingSquid @grte That was a long winded way of saying that you just started paying attention after Oct 7th and are entirely ignorant of what atrocities Israel committed against the Palestinians prior to that date.
                You are attempting to justify Israeli ethnic cleansing that has been occurring since LONG before October 7th, which has cost thousands of Palestinian lives and maimed even more. The Israeli aren't the victims, they are the invaders by their own admission

                • I was critical of Israel (and still am) for what it was doing, especially for settlements in occupied territories. However, none of that can in any way excuse what Hamas did. I also think that the right wing government in Israel will be gone by normal democratic election process. No such luck with Hamas. Hamas can be only forcefully removed.

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