Every review was along the lines of ‘good first hour, the rest was bland and boring’. Not really GOTY material.
Every review was along the lines of ‘good first hour, the rest was bland and boring’. Not really GOTY material.
Every review was along the lines of ‘good first hour, the rest was bland and boring’. Not really GOTY material.
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Imagine this being your entire personality.
Even worse, it's her career. 70k subs on youtube, so about half of the entire population of /r/KotakuInAction. Daily or twice daily uploads. No editing as far as I can tell. About 10 minutes of ranting to a camera while slowly scrolling through an entertainment weekly article. Every video title has a word capitalized like RUINED or ERASED or FREAKOUT or FAILURE.
Is she also trying to sorta emulate the Gamergate mascot.
I'm glad I didn't halucinate that, cause I noticed. Will gamergate never die?
blue hair dye: bad, sjw, feminist
red hair dye like carrie mythbusters: just wants to talk about ethics in game journalism
"Just ignore your bully" and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race. It leads to malignant narcissists growing up without getting a well-deserved beating to teach them some respect.
Personality predates Ideology. If you believe we should punch Nazis and Fascists then you should belive in punching bullies too.