Bro, you offered a theoretical and I turned it on you. That doesn't make me a moron and honestly responding in such a way kinda makes it seem like you can't support your argument so instead you lash out.
You've gone off the edge sir, regain your composure and we can try this again if you'd like but random insults and general asshole behavior ain't finna do it bud.
this is a practical solution, this is a practical conversation. using a theoretical about the parallel you (foolish) brought up doesn't change that shit especially when you dive into this comparison chemicals and substances are banned and illegal and that does make it harder to obtain and harm people with.
using a metaphor doesn't make a conversation metaphorical buddy.
guns should be banned or at least so heavily regulated moreso than now and your stupid little acid angle ain't the meat you think it is kiddo
I didn't bring up a theoretical you did.... I made a comparison Or arguably a metaphor.
Hey you got it, it's certainly closer to a metaphor than a theoretical as there are in fact more acid attacks in India than the US and honestly more than most other countries.
You mean the thing I advocate for and told you about exactly one comment ago?
Lol we're on the same page, don't be so angry you can't see the forest for the trees.