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Was volcel a mistake?

the study's age range was 10-24.

Article isnt even about video games


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  • sex scenes in movies are boring when you can have the most insane porn imaginable beamed directly to your senses whenever you want. the youth aren't prudes, they're desensitized

    • the more I think about this comment the more this mindset skeeves me out. An entire generation of kids who think sex = hardcore porn and that anything else is a waste of time. Any eroticism or romance is entirely discarded and deemed obsolete and inefficient. It's gross as hell and the mindset of a coomer not someone who has lived a life of love and loss and had complex sexual experiences both positive and negative. Sex is a huge component of love and life for many, if not most people, and an integral part of social reproduction and the existence of our species. To remove complex sexual relationships from all art and just relegate it to a separate category of "disgusting fetishistic hardcore porn" which we only ever engage with when we get off is very bad for society. It exacerbates the madonna-whore complex to its logical endpoints and extremes, every public facing hero is a chaste hero while all sex is corrupt, evil and to be hidden away. We delude ourselves that our heroes aren't fucking. It's victorian puritanism, and it's giving us little dopamine drips when we do evil depraved shit.

      • An entire generation of kids who think sex = hardcore porn and that anything else is a waste of time. Any eroticism or romance is entirely discarded and deemed obsolete and inefficient. It's gross as hell and the mindset of a coomer not someone who has lived a life of love and loss and had complex sexual experiences both positive and negative.

        Unfortunately this is the gross mindset that porn addiction creates. And many among Gen Z are addicts, even if they don't care to admit it. The generation having the least sex and all.

        • Unfortunately this is the gross mindset that porn addiction creates.

          Shame is the more important factor. I honestly think that more of this than people usually talk about is due to how NoFap and related movements have been used, often as parts of a far-right radicalization pipeline. Making people feel ashamed over something that is natural is a powerful method of social control since the "problem" that a cure is being promised before will never go away. It's not at all a coincidence that groups like the Proud Boys have this shit as a central tenet of their group. It's not a coincidence that a lot of major religions have rather strict standards on sexual conduct -- if the people following your religion always have something to repent for then they'll keep coming back.

          Porn/masturbation addiction itself is also highly controversial in mainstream psychology for a number of reasons. To the extent that it is given serious consideration it is usually treated as a compulsive disorder rather than as an addiction, because addiction includes specific biomarkers which studies have not reliably found. Another concerning metric is that self-reported pornography addiction is not a good predictor for amount of porn usage, but is a great predictor for religiosity. It should also be noted that the rule for what is or is not a mental disorder is limited to things that cause distress, disability, increased risk of death, or significant loss of autonomy (with a few extra qualifiers I'm leaving out for brevity) -- this also makes the way that people usually accuse people of being porn addicts somewhat problematic, because usually the accused isn't showing signs of any of those things. It is quite likely, for that reason, that a substantial portion (if not most) people who claim pornography addiction have more of an issue with how they view porn or sexuality more broadly than they do with their use of it actually causing problems.

          I did read an article some time ago discussing sex-negative trends in Gen Z from the angle of fandom culture, which I'm not sure I entirely agree with the framing of some broader cultural issues brought up, but I do think its overall conclusion that legislation like FOSTA-SESTA and its direct effects and chilling effects on social media sites made online spaces more vulnerable to the US's puritan culture to be absolutely spot-on. I am also quite concerned with these effects ending up destroying queer spaces. The article did bring up the damage done to Tumblr's queer spaces, and how a more sex-negative space filled the gaps left by explicitly sex-positive users leaving. Another well known example is the dreaded kink at pride discourse, demanding that we erase important parts of queer history just to satisfy a bunch of assimilationists and cishets. I have also seen whispers of similar currents in the furry community, which has traditionally been a sex-positive, queer majority space. While I am quite confident in the fighting spirit of the furries, and that with "become unmarketable" as our rallying cry, our horniness will be neither contained nor extinguished by American puritanism and the unnatural lifestyle it promotes... I just cannot imagine that things would be anything but worse for people with my experiences without them being the way they are, since I owe so much of my ability to comfortably explore my sexuality, not to mention my spouse, to the community being the way it is. Queer liberation relies on the open defiance of societal norms surrounding sexuality, because it relies on queer people not having to be ashamed about falling outside of sexual norms. We are absolutely not past that point yet, so why the fuck do we have people saying that it's time to start being ashamed of this shit again? I would call it a form of assimilationism.

        • I really do think porn addicted coomers are a big part of the sexless Marvel capeshit fanbase. They go together, the porn addiction and the disgust with sex. The idealist compartmentalizing and sin/repentance cycle.

      • Counterpoint: hollywood sex scenes are the cinematic equivalent of a hooters. It's crass titillation for the sort of person who cranks it to the sears catalogue and starts trembling in excitement when they read the word "nubile." It's also a "legitimate" excuse for directors to force actresses to undress around them, like the piece of shit showrunners behind GoT who started plotting revenge on Emilia Clarke after she was able to renegotiate her contract so she wouldn't have to undress around them anymore.

    • this is an extremely reactionary and anti-art and anti-human stance, that the only thing sex is is hardcore porn

      • I have never seen a tasteful or meaningful sex scene in a movie. It always comes off as soft-core randomly inserted into the movie.

        • you've never watched Cronenberg or Verhoeven or City of God?

          Anyway, that's fine. Watch PG movies for babies and Marvel slop. It's sexless and made just for you. Stop trying to take sex out of art

          • A couple dozen exceptions doesn't change my point. The vast majority of sex scenes in film are gratuitous fan-service for bazinga brains. A couple high culture directors making tasteful scenes doesn't negate that.

            If every movie had a hamfisted shitting scene a couple directors making emotional scenes about how being constipated is a metaphor for impotent masculinity wouldn't make the other shitting scenes justified.

            • A couple dozen exceptions doesn't change my point. The vast majority of sex scenes in film are gratuitous fan-service for bazinga brains. A couple high culture directors making tasteful scenes doesn't negate that.

              Yes it does. Keep your moralistic grubby mitts off my "high culture directors", I don’t trust your taste or judgment of what is “high culture” and don’t recognize your authority over what I and artists are allowed

          • No one's asking Cronenberg to stop doing sex scenes. Crimes of the Future was fantastic and beautiful! A TV show like Gen V is also good, where (very graphic) sex scenes give insights into characters or expand the world, or are funny or gross.

            What people are tired of is every movie and TV show including the same pointless artless 90 second tracking shot of "girl on top" so the actress can hide her nipples behind her arm.

            • Many people in this very thread are asking cronenberg not to do sex scenes and saying there are 0 “valid” sex scenes in all of film and cinema, that all sexual content should be prohibited

              I feel like you live in a different whacko world universe than me where Hollywood blockbusters still have sex scenes in 2023. It’s been more than a decade since there’s been any “titillation” scenes in mainstream movies. Movies need more sex and life, not less. There was a brief period from the 70s to the 90s where sex in movies was somewhat common, and it’s not a coincidence that most of the best films of history arose from this period after censorship had been loosened but before profit had fallen and monopolization taken hold, stagnating the industry.

              • Oppenheimer had a scene where he reads from the Bhagavad Gita while fucking and it was the lamest thing I have ever witnessed. I did not want to see every one of florence ough's ass pores projected on a 7 story imax screen. Makes me so fucking glad Anglos can't read my religion's holy texts.

      • that is not what I meant to imply but I understand how it came across that way, it wasn't the most well-articulated comment. I want to clarify that I'm not saying it's a good thing that our culture is becoming more porno-brained & I'm not personally against sex scenes in media.

        most porn isn't a good representation of sex but neither is most of what we see in movies/TV, where sex is so often used for little reason other than to scintillate the audience, i.e. its just porn-lite. hollywood depictions of conventionally attractive people having heterosexual intercourse was perhaps always boring, but it's especially boring to younger generations who grew up in a more overtly sexualized culture with easy access to pornography.

        And I wasn't only talking about hardcore porn by the way, today there is such a wide variety of content appealing to people's diverse sexual interests, many of which have never been depicted in more conventional media.

        I'm all in favor of more honest and realistic portrayals of sex in media that serve a thematic purpose, or are at least interesting.

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