I'm going to disagree with you. I have found it takes less to make me happy as I get older. Moreover, my happiest moments are those where others are happy. I take no pleasure in harming others and I don't believe that's a unique perspective.
I think your coping mechanisms have made your life more difficult.
It is common to develop a drug or alcohol addiction as part of a coping mechanism. That can absolutely make your life more difficult. Coping mechanisms can make it more difficult to make changes that will better your life.
The path of least resistance isn't always the easiest path.
Which is it? Your choices don't make life more difficult or they do and that's why they are good?
It's interesting that any pushback you is evidence you are correct. It's also interesting that you take no responsibility for any difficulties you might experience, it's always the result of someone else's choice.
It's shocking how far you will go to avoid the idea that people aren't out to get you.
Exactly how have I abused you? You keep claiming that, but all I've done is talk and notice that you have some views that aren't very healthy or stand up to scrutiny.
a third of the U.S.
You believe that 1 in 3 people would support a racial genocide? Do you have any support for that?
Following that up you claim that everyone wants to kill you. Doesn't that seem a little paranoid to you?
No one here is attacking you or threatening your life. No one. People aren't insulting you, even though you are insulting everyone. Your world view is being questioned because it doesn't seem healthy or rational. People aren't saying "I think you are wrong" because they hate you and want you to "submit" but because you appear to be very unwell.
I know that my life improved when I changed my outlook, and I think you are clinging to unhealthy views because it makes it easier than trying to better yourself.