As it turns out, the majority of folks are just people trying to get by, and if you're nice enough to them, they'll be nice enough to you.
The problem with most terminally online people is that their social lives ended when they left school, which is when the population of arseholes is at its highest. Everybody is trying to impress everybody else, even at the cost of others.
But a lot of those same people tend to chill off as they mature into adults and become less self-centred. There are still absolutely arsehole adults, but nowhere near as many as the terminally online expect there to be.
What about people who use browsers instead of terminals?
Well fuck, you got me there... In one sentence you've just given everyone on 4Chan the ability to touch grass.
What do you count as terminally online? I don't differenciate between online and offline friends and spend lots of times talking or chatting to people online (as I spend time doing stuff with people irl). But I wouldn't say that my or this social life is bad.
I'd call people that who lost contact with reality. So if something you believe could be immediately proven wrong by just stepping outside for a while, you are terminally online.
For example the 4chan theory of: "80 % of women date only 20 % of ultra chad men". There are people who actually believe this.
My definition is more or less the same as the one @ParsnipWitch offered...
The terminally online are thise who have little to no contact with reality. They are the shut-ins and the NEETs of this world. Those that would fully believe in conspiracies about life which could be disproven simply by interacting with others IRL.
No one is ever going to acknowledge my humanity
What does that look like to you? People are talking to you right now. I know that no one has said "you are a person" but what specifically do you want?
Unless you were literally raised by wolves this is some self aggrandizing incel bullshit.
Coming up with an theory of the world that confirms that you are right and everyone else is terrible is lazy. I don't think you've ever actually cared about anyone but yourself.
I wasted my entire life being kind to people
Sorry, bud - kind people don't say that. Yes, I've been walked all over by assholes, and I've been taken advantage of more times than I can count. I've been bullied and abused because of my body, and I've been made to feel like I don't deserve to share the same planet with some people, but I've also met some amazing people who accept me and love me.
The whole point of being kind is to be vulnerable, and to help people earnestly and without judgement. Why would I give a shit that some asshole got a leg up because of my effort, or felt bigger by making me feel smaller? If I help 100 jerks and one good person, at the end of the day, I helped a good person, and that makes my whole day, regardless of anything else. That's how you find the good people in the world, and build your social circle with people who care for you.
And what magical fucking force forces people to “chill”?
They don’t. Because that magic doesn’t fucking exist.
I don't say this often, but visit a Buddhist monastery.
...and figure out where all that anger is coming from.
and there is an entire organization of psychologists and sociologists who reject the pro-human narrative and know exactly how evil people really are
As a target is not set up to miss it so the nature of evil does not exist in the world.
I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I think you need to talk to someone and try and gain a new perspective. People aren't inherently mean, and generally aren't thinking about much other than themselves. People do "chill" as they get older and realize a lot of things really don't matter in the long run.
Go find a team sport or a hobby with other like-minded people and focus on building a community of friendship and support. Your life is too short to not spend it being happy.
What a fucking pant load. You’re so full of shit, it stinks
Bullshit. The majority of people want to dominate everyone not in their immediate social circle. Go look up social dominance theory - it will tell you everything you need to know about how people really behave.
I'm basing this on my life's experience, and of those around me. That might not match your's but what I say is true to me.
I'm not going to say you're wrong. As long as inequalities exist between people, there will always be in-groups and out-groups of people. Humanity is tribal, and likely always will be.
But most people don't spend their waking moments trying to enforce these tribalisms. Arseholes definitely do, but that's not the majority of people.
And what magical fucking force forces people to “chill”?
The human brain doesn't come pre-built. There are many parts that develop at different rates, with the pre-cortex (the "rational" part of your brain) still developing even into your mid-20s.
During your adolescence this process is nowhere near complete, thus adolescents are generally severely lacking in the long-term judgement and planning department. They are more likely to be impulsive, to jump on the bandwagon of peer pressure without thinking through the consequences.
As they get older, most people become generally better at thinking things through. Less likely to act on impulse, and more likely to listen to others. They learn about viewpoints way outside their own and start to become less self-absorbed. At least that's my experience of growing around my peers.
They don’t. Because that magic doesn’t fucking exist. Only the trauma of punishment makes people stop abusing others. Without the threat of permanent injury on themselves, people will always try to permanently injure others as a means to dominate and control - at least for the sake of their social groups. That desperate need to dominate and control is what makes them human.
You are spreading self-aggrandizing lies; spreading an infection that will only cause more people to get more “uppity” and beat more innocent people to death. Stop lying about people and apologizing for their bloodlust. People are murderers, hunters for the only “game” still left - forcibly isolated human beings.
I wasted my entire life being kind to people, only to mock me for being so stupid, so gullible enough to fall for the con that they would be nice back. They beat me like they were mining for ore, driving blow after blow into my skull until it was permanently disfigured, and then they broke every bone in my limbs until they didn’t work anymore.
Don’t give me this horseshit about how people “chill out” - I did not get almost murdered over fifteen years by people who would simply magically stop being murderous because some timer ran out. No, those motherfuckers murdered as if it was a fucking religious mandate and they are the same type of assholes who tried to take over the U.S. on January 6th.
No one is ever going to acknowledge my humanity, no matter how kind I am, or what I do. I will always be seen as a “less than” because the ENTIRE human race are malignant narcissists - and there is an entire organization of psychologists and sociologists who reject the pro-human narrative and know exactly how evil people really are. Quit apologizing for rapists and murderers.
Jesus christ you went off the deep end quick, I am not responding to all of that...
I don't know what kind of life you've experienced, but you've got some deep-seated traumas up in that head of yours that you need to figure out.
Not only that, but you've seemingly driven yourself into an almost schizophrenic delusion that everybody is after you, looking for a chance to tear you down in whatever way they can. That's just not the case.
If your tendency is to explode on anyone who disagrees about your worldview, to compare them to murderers, then I'm afraid you might just be the problem in your lack of a social life - I'll leave you with this:
"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole" - Raylan Givens, Justified
I don't necessarily agree with your aggressive tone but I do agree with a lot of what you're saying, this from someone who was treated like complete shit as a young adult, shit enough to leave me with trauma and a really bad fear of people.
I've seen what the worst side of people while being a soft kind and caring person. Anyone who believes what the other person said is pretty naive.
Nuh uh there's a reason why social anxiety was, is, and will continue to be a problem for many people
When real life does not match up with the description given by social rejects on a site notorious for infidelity
notorious for infidelity
What does this part mean?
Yeah, when did 4chan suddenly become Ashley Madison?
He means that the stories and information posted there are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted there as a fact.
It means everyone on this site is a handholding whore
Using high school as a marker for what to expect for the rest of life is such a terrible idea. Just throw that in the rubbish and go experience people for yourself. Wade through the assholes and you’ll find tons of nice folks just trying to live.
While that is true... There is still a ton of high school bullshit going on, especially in workplaces.
All the same drama and gossip... I'm so glad I don't work in an office anymore.
It's true. I think the amount of attention highschool gets, from people saying it was the best years of their lives, to adults coming down hard on you to do the best thing for your future, to your peers seemingly having an amazing time while you're not, winds up making teens feel like it is indicative of how life will be in general.
It never made sense to me, but I wasn't having a GREAT time until I was in my mid 30s. I had something like a 7 year party. Disposable income, before the worst of my aches set in, and just doing whatever I wanted as long as I made it in to work.
High school was Lord of the Flies.
It just goes to show the average age of anons. Too sad if they plateau around that.
When you're terminally online, it helps to be at least reminded that online culture isn't normal, especially not 4chan. But Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all full of their own weirdness.
Better than recognizing that would be to reintegrate into society fully and leave the internet mostly behind to sulk and moan.
I'll say that at this point, 4chan has been the least toxic of the websites you listed. I left Facebook and still visit 4chan.
But you are correct. People need to unplug more and get outside.
There's a way this is true but hard to explain unless you've experienced it. I think 4chan is much more openly toxic and shocking, but I used to mod defaults on reddit and all the same toxicity exists, except its dressed up in nice language and intentions. 4chan, to its detriment or success, is more accepting in a way. Reddit is full of people who know better than you and want to shame people for being stupid, far more judgemental. Some places on reddit are far better than 4chan though and don't have this issue,
That’s so sad. Like I get it, I’ve been the internet shut in and it’s just brutal on your mental health. The blunt reality is that most people are fine and plenty are great. Talk to strangers, you might make friends
They also don't complain about wokeness and people complaining about wokeness
Eh, I'm a school bus driver and that shit is like the main topic of discussion in the break room. It's usually that, dog-whistle euphemisms for racism, or outright use of the n-word.
Most people like being around other people who are chill and respectful. There's no magic trickery about it. Get outside and talk to people.
The consequences of being terminally online.
Hopefully this guy is in remission
This is what rehabilitation feels like
I tried community college first online and then in person at 19/20. Felt so anxious about everything. Mom drove me there and back and was really mean about having to do it. Classes of normies were uber-social, like everybody introduce yourselves and talk aboit the topic. Felt fuck me eyes coming from everyone, which I was probanly returning, but it was a LOT of attention for my loner self. I stopped going and Mom resented me because it cost thousands for like nothing but she didnt want to do it my way either so it was sort of her fault as well. Anyway it was probanly trans dysphoria too. Of course my every waking moment I was like I wonder if they can tell Im feminine please tell me this will help me be more openly queer. Lol.
congrats anon 💜
It's obviously some kind of trap. Run!
Wtf does the tilt of your eyes (canthal tilt) have to do with anything? Do incels not like eyes now or something?
Incels think of lots of complicated theories about society and appearances to explain why they think women are not attracted to them
I guess it's an argument brought up by incels
It's 4chan, of course it's full of lies...
Equally can be said about Reddit, Twitter, lemmy, the rest of the fediverse, in fact anytime humans seem to have a large communication network they end up full of lies.
When nobody is a normie... everyone is.
there are still bubbles out there..
a lot of people are shitty self centered POS's.. i think they just happened to be in the right place at the right time
The self centered POS's are sitting in their mom's basement on 4chan.
And apparently (insert number of downvotes) are here too
They bought into phrenology
Questlove's fault
Nuance taken literally
Man, who’s would have guessed that normies might be normal people
well when you take advice from neets..