Thank you. But I don't feel the urge to commit suicide. I don't think the hypothetical person would either.
How would you like me to talk to you?
I am listening to you. But I don't think you want to listen to me.
Is there nothing I could say that would convince you that not everyone is trying to kill you?
If there's absolutely nothing I can do to convince you, it isn't a logical argument you're going with. It's a philosophical or emotional one. Logical evidence based arguments would change if compelling contrary evidence was provided.
I'm asking what that contrary evidence would look like for you.
So no one can tell or show you anything to change your mind? Then we're back to where we started with a philosophical or a moral position rather than a logical one.
Thanks for doing what you are doing. I know someone is reading this comment chain and you are helping them out indirectly.
humanity's history of dishonesty is all the proof I need for that.
Also, history books and discussion is more about grand state actors and conquests, not the everyday kindness and selflessness. It's usually the norm, so not noteworthy to history.
Hypocrite. You are just like them.