YSK how to pick a ripe, sweet watermelon
YSK how to pick a ripe, sweet watermelon
Why YSK: These tips may help you pick a more ripe, juicier, sweeter watermelon.
YSK how to pick a ripe, sweet watermelon
Why YSK: These tips may help you pick a more ripe, juicier, sweeter watermelon.
Morgan Freeman taught me to flick melons to determine the ripeness in Unleashed, and I have honed the skill to a masterful level. Get weird looks from strangers sometimes tho..
Sounds like a great way to get sick or spread sickness.
Maybe if you're Immuno-compromised, have bad hand hygiene practices, or go around people when you're sick.
going around licking public display foods is bad hygiene practices tbh.
You should maybe go back and read the post again you're complaining about...
ah shit, I didn't see the f on my small laptop monitor with border buffers for anonymity when I made that comments- whoops >.>
That's actually pretty funny.
Good thing no one is advocating that.